On September 27, 2024, as I arranged with my off-world contacts, at a precise location and time, in a no-fly zone over the Westminster Hotel in Denver, Colorado, in front of 1000 witnesses, 3 fleets of extraterrestrial spacecraft put on a show for us, and a Tr3B flew above our heads.
Footage - Video Evidence
Here's an excellent compilation of videos, photos and witness testimonies of a UFO flyover in Denver on Sept 27, 2024. The UFOs were summoned by Elena Danaan and included what is clearly a TR-3B type craft seen by up to a 1000 people, and also fleet formations of UFOs. The latter were not birds, as debunkers claim, as the formation flashed a green light in response to the laser pointer I was using.
Critics demand hard evidence for contactee claims yet when it is supplied we get silence. Why is that?
Dr. Michael Salla
The BEST FOOTAGE of the GSIC SPACE FLEET FLYOVER and several testimonies of the 1000 people who saw it over our hotel Sept 27th 2024 - I will never be silent on this event, it will never go away!
Dani Henderson - www.galacticspiritualinformers.com

Cathy Fandrich
Tatiana Zalewski

Tatiana Zalewski

Tatiana Zalewski
Michael Graham

Karen Hill - MUFON director Tucson
2024 SEP 27 - Thor Han Eredyon kept his promise to make a show in the sky with a fleet of Federation scout ships for the GSIC 2024 conference in Westminster, Colorado.

On Aug 1, 2024 Dani Henderson video interviews Elena Danaan on her youtube channel regarding the GSIC 2024 (Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection) conference where Elena guarantees that Thor Han has agreed to do a display in the sky during the conference to all the attendees. This display of the Galactic Federation of Worlds scout ships performing in the night sky was done previously in July at the conference in France. The conversation follows...
Dani Henderson:
"We can actually guarantee there will be actual UFO alien off Planet craft not what the military make, not their Hannebue UFOs, but the real ones from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, we're actually guaranteeing that aren't we Elena? "
Elena Danaan:
"Yes we are guaranteed yes, yes and Thor Han agreed to perform this show for me for us in France, in the conference in France, that was occurring in July, and so I know what is going to be, we're going to have the same show and even more, because Thor Han you know being at the high command of his Battleship, he has a decision on the fleet, so he can organize a show and well you know you are going to be impressed, because it's for someone who has never seen that, it's very impressive. We had I know in France we had 700 people at the time there two sessions they were like shouting and jumping and crying it was incredible and that's going to happen for GSIC, and even more he said to me, so I don't know what he's going to do more than this, but that is I know for having witness people seeing that kind of stuff, it's going to be very emotional you know for all of you who have never seen spaceship, so I warn you it's going to be emotional for all these people, so yes that's going to be a great show, oh my goodness I know what's coming, I know it's going to be."
Then on Sep 27, 2024 between 9:13 - 9:22 pm MST Thor Han Eredyon delivers his promise.
Thor Han commanded his fleet of Federation scout ships into various formations and then had the US Navy to fly in a TR3B overhead. Elena explains in this video how this was arranged by Thor Han. Dani Henderson stated after the event "How else could we provide a fleet of UFOs at the time we said. Over the hotel we said. In restricted airspace with a no drone flyover."
Note: The Galactic Federation of Worlds Prime Directive regulations at this time prohibit entering Earth's atmosphere past the edge of space (62 miles above the planet surface) This does not apply to the US Navy who flew in a TR3B triangular anti-gravity spacecraft and flashed it's green lights as in support of this disclosure to the public. This event was covered in Star Nation News episode 49 by Elena Danaan.
September 27, 2024 – The biggest mass UFO sighting of our times just took place. I was among a thousand who witnessed a TR3B Black Triangle ship among a fleet of UFOs at a public park next to the Westin Westminster in Colorado. We knew something was coming, and even what time to expect it, having been promised the sight of scoutships belonging to the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Never one to get easily carried away, I expected a fleeting glimpse of one or two craft zipping across the sky. What transpired instead was an unforgettable experience, both spectacular and transcendent. It started at ten past nine with a fleet of scoutships flying directly overhead in a boomerang-shaped formation. This was followed by the sudden, unexpected appearance of a TR3B, the “black triangle UFO” long rumored (now confirmed!) to exist. The TR3B, going at an incredible speed I have never seen any plane or drone match, flashed its three green lights at us in an alternating triangular pattern before fading out of sight (yes it’s true, these ships possess cloaking technology). I say “at us” because that was what it felt like, that they were deliberately showing themselves to us as we cheered in appreciation. The scoutships returned for a few more fly-bys, with different numbers each time, ranging from five to about twenty (at some point I lost count). They appeared and disappeared, powering up then down, at varying speeds in flexible formations. To my naked eye they looked like stars moving in the sky and taking turns to “flash” (light up). At times they separated from each other, then came back together. It was clear they were capable of moving in intricate patterns beyond the ability of conventional aircraft. To any doubters, I can only say this – you had to be there to see just how high up these ships were. We later learned they were on the outer limits of the Earth’s atmosphere (it certainly looked that way). For anything to be that far away and still maintain visibility let alone be able to “flash” defies any conventional explanation.
As quickly as it began, it was over. The visual spectacle, that is. But the mental processing of what the bleep just happened had only just begun for the majority of those gathered. What we learned was that the scoutships, being actual extra-terrestrial craft, had to maintain an altitude of at least 62 miles out of respect for Earth government (specifically NORAD) rules. The TR3B, however, was able to fly much lower, and closer, to us as it was Earth-made. It was one of our own, despite not being known to officially exist.
You may be wondering, who is the source of this information? Who had let it be known to the gathered crowd what was coming, when, and where? If you have not heard the name Elena Danaan, remember it well because it will one day be in all our history books. Since going public as an ET contactee in 2019, this lady’s track record of astounding revelations backed up by corroborating evidence speaks for itself. Ms. Danaan was one of the speakers at the 2024 Galactic and Spiritual Informers Connection (GSIC), an event created by Dani Henderson, also an experiencer of paranormal and ET phenomena. I have been to all three GSICs. Before the first one in 2022, I had never seen a UFO. Since then, the sight of unexplainable phenomena in the skies has become a regular occurrence in my life. It was as if that first sighting opened my consciousness to that reality and I began to accept it as normal.
While the sight of UFOs may not have been new to many of the attendees and speakers at GSIC 2024, such encounters are often experienced alone, and if one is lucky enough to have company, there is usually no more than a handful of others present.
At the “skywatch” on September 27, attendees were joined by Ms. Danaan, Ms. Henderson, veterans of disclosure like Alex Collier, Michael Salla, David Adair, Dan Willis, and Jerry Wills, as well as Secret Space Program whistleblowers Tony Rodrigues, Jean-Charles Moyen, and Melanie Charest. All either seasoned experiencers or researchers (or both), but had any of them ever had the opportunity to witness the flyover of an ET fleet AND a TR3B in the company of a thousand kindred souls? This shared experience will live forever in our hearts, and its unprecedented nature has created an unbreakable bond. Like many that night, I was too caught up in the spectacle above the clouds, but when I did take a moment to look around at the rest of the gathered crowd, I felt instantly closer to every one of them.
I must express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to Elena Danaan, her GFW contact Thor Han Eredyon, and Dani Henderson. Three courageous individuals without whom this historical disclosure event would not have occurred. They promised, at great risk to their reputations, and delivered. Only with the passing of time will we fully appreciate the significance and enormity of their gift.
This was about much more than UFOs and aliens. It was, as my friend and fellow GSIC attendee Tatiana put it, about unity and hope. It was confirmation of the existence of unlimited zero-point energy and anti-gravity technology; of humanity’s bright future; of an alliance between interplanetary councils and the ever-increasing portion of Earth peoples that know our destiny is to reach the stars.

Inge Desmedt
It was fantastic, magical,… . When the UFOs flew overhead, a burst of joy went through the air. It made me more then happy and even now when I think about it or when I watch the YouTube video again, I become instantly happy. How nice it would be to see and meet them physically too, that is my innermost dream. but who knows, with all that is going on, this may happen one day. I really hope so. Fortunately, there is GSIC 25 where I will also attend not only in the UK but also in Charlotte. I am already looking forward to it and counting the days. Thank you very much Elena for this moment, and of course all the other speakers.
Jacquelyn Pikowski
For GSIC 2024, significantly prior to the event weekend, it was announced by Elena Danaan that on Friday, September 27, 2024 there would be a Sky Event coordinated by her, Thor Han and the Galactic Federation of Worlds. The time was also given as 9pm (MST). Anyone wishing to see the event was informed they should gather prior to 9pm (MST) at the amphitheater just northeast of the Westin Westminster and northwest of the City Park complex. I was with my two attendee friends, Maria and Tamra. We were seated in lawn chairs at the top of the amphitheater. This just happened to be where Elena was speaking to the massive crowd over a microphone and speaker system that was setup for the event. Elena Danaan, Dani Henderson and Dr. Michael Salla were there just behind myself, Maria and Tamra. The lights from the City Park outdoor complex were turned off by coordination with the Westin and City Park complex.
Elena announced that the event would begin. We were told to watch the sky southeast of the hotel and amphitheater. Elena and Dani advised that we all raise our frequency and be heart centered. Bob Marley’s song “One Love” was played over the speakers and the crowd was singing. I heart-centered myself and held my small vogel-cut crystal in my hand over my heart. Yes, the crafts came and did fly over. They came from southwest to southeast; my right to my left. The first crafts were relatively low to the ground and were triangle shaped with white lights, which subsequently changed color. The crafts were definitely in formation and maneuvering. The lights on the button of the crafts also changed color. They definitely wanted us to see that; the intent was completely obvious. The next crafts were much, much higher in altitude in the sky. They also flew southeast to southwest; my right to my left. When a spotted them I called out, “there” and pointed. They made several similar passes. These were the GFW scout-ships.
Yes, I was there and I attest to what I saw. Greater than what I saw was what I felt. I felt amazement, intense Love, and true caring. I felt connection. We have never been alone in this mission and fight for Ki. I learned that long before that day, but at that event I truly felt it again. I knew. Thank you for the opportunity to share this testimony. Jacquelyn Pikowski - 2/17/2025
Lucia Weinmann
Dearest Elena 💫, Thor Han and team ✨ thank you for all the effort you made to give visible proof to the people of Earth that there are populations, spacecrafts, intelligence, brothers and sisters of each one of us out there in space. I myself did not need any proof as I am very connected to races, crafts and wonderful places out there. But for so many people it was a groundbreaking experience to attend this event. It gave all of us a deep feeling of being connected and a bubbling joy to witness this : wonderful formations of crafts, very high speed or very slowly dancing. It looked like Thor Han's pilots and their teams were having fun, too. Thank you from the depth of my heart for helping us all to provide our families and friends with real proof. Much love from Germany, Lucia ☀️
I wasn't at gsic but I had my own experience with ufos and from the video I can tell those were not geese, they don't have the source of light emanating from them and with geese as Elena said you often hear them when they fly by,they are very vocal. Also you can always see flapping wings. Only if those Geese are highly technologically advanced and are carrying flashlights to prank people. So all of those claims are just made to discredit those who bring the real evidence.
I was there with My roommate Sharon that night. We were sitting in the Gras an what we saw? Ships...ships...ships 🛸🛸🛸 and TR3B.!!! Sorry No birds or Something Like that. I saw the ships 🛸 and i don't Care what other people say. Thank you Elena and Thor Han🥰 sitting Here in Germany with a Cup of ☕ and remembering that night with goosbumps and filled with Love to My Family from upstairs🪐
Martina Rickenbach
I was also present during the Denver Flyover. This was not an ordinary UFO sighting, but a date. Watching the fleet of scout ships of the Galactic Federation in the sky knowing that there were people in there doing this flyover because they had an appointment with us at the conference was incredibly moving. And I knew at that moment that it was important to witness it and to have made the long journey from Europe. With love and gratitude, Martina Rickenbach, Switzerland.
Braden Shaffer
Greetings to everyone. My name is Braden Shaffer and I was an attendee for the 2024 GSIC event in Westminster, Colorado. I was a witness to 4 flyovers of various craft on the evening of September 27th , 2024. I decided I wanted the best spot in the area to witness the craft as it would be my first time to witness such an event. The local park just south of the hotel was undergoing a fair bit of landscaping and there were some large rock/dirt piles in the field that helped block out some of the ambient light from the local community. I witnessed four flyovers that evening. The first three flyovers flew southwest and the fourth flew due south. I had a great spot to watch as I was probably the only one who was right out in the field; the majority of the group being huddled together across a small waterway south of the hotel, but just north of me. Over the course of the experience, Elena Danaan gave us some details as to what types of craft we were witnessing as they flew over the Colorado Sky. I watched in amazement as GFW scout ships flew across the sky while changing their formation often. I was even witness to a TR3B triangle craft, owned by the Earth Alliance, crossing the sky to the southwest at quite a low altitude.
Thank you, Elena, for arranging this event.
Thank you, Thor Han, for making this happen.
Ruezo Zanrico
My name is Ruezo Zanrico and this is my testament to the flyover of the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Earth Alliance spacecraft I witnessed on the evening of Friday, September 27, 2024.
In the evening after the GSIC activities concluded for the day and after sunset, I made my way to the outdoor theater across the street of the Westminster Westin Hotel in Colorado. There, I joined hundreds of people nearing a thousand in total or possibly more who were patiently waiting to see spacecraft grace the skies above us. I had made my way to about half way down to the stage level from the street for a place to view the sky. At that spot, I spoke with GSIC attendees while waiting not expecting to see anything. It was very surprising to see so many people. Suddenly, Dani Henderson and Elena Danaan starting speaking over a sound system broadcasting out to the large crowd. Elena said to be patient and they would be here shortly. Several people not knowing what to expect, thought some passing planes were the craft. My experience in aerospace and the military allowed me to recognize the navigation lights confirming they were private and commercial planes.
Waiting a bit longer, I heard the crowd responding to something. I look directly up above to see an object appear out of know where. It seemed to be a single craft in the shape of a very large gray narrow angular glider, much like a giant boomerang. As it progressed south west after passing over head, the object turned to the southeast, ninety degrees. The long object separated into what seemed like seven individual crafts from their near perfect symmetrical formation. It was difficult to get an exact number of the craft because they were traveling very close to each other and shifting in their positions. I put my binoculars to my eyes and watched them head off to the south east. All the craft looked identical, were changing direction, weaving around and turning above the Kármán line (officially the edge of space, 62 miles). They continued on that general heading before disappearing beyond sight.
Waiting several minutes later, I heard the crowd respond again to something in the sky. I looked around quickly to see several red lights to the south west. It appeared to have taken a similar flight path and also turning south west, but it was flying at one to two thousand feet above the crowd in the sky. Within that pattern of red lights, I saw several flashes of white lights. I immediately recognize the triangular pattern of the lights. It was then that I yelled out to the whole crowd at the top of my lungs, "That’s a TR-3B! That’s a TR-3B! That’s a TR-3B!" My calling out to the crowd, identifying the Earth Alliance craft, was recorded and could be heard in the background of the video recording of the flyover. That is documentation I was there and witnessed that event. All of the craft were completely silent not demonstrating any form of known propulsion. On the same flight path, all the craft performed a second flyover of our location validating what I had seen minutes earlier. That was the end of the flyovers for the evening.
In closing my testimony, the objects I saw with my own eyes were not any publicly known/conventional aircraft or spacecraft of the US or any other military, and they completely defied all laws of conventional space and aviation craft. I have truthfully recounted all relevant details to the best of my knowledge.
David Carey
I attended the 2024 GSIC conference in Denver, flying in from Australia. I witnessed the flyover of the Tr3B - this I saw high my high powered binoculars and as it was flying low and slow which gave me the opportunity to clearly see the detail of the underside of the Tr3B. Something I will never forget. The off world UAP's clearly displayed high speed directional change, close quarter flying - at night and spectacular position changes. Who else but Elena could stand in front of 1,000 people and state they will arrive in 10 minutes - and they did! I'm looking forward to 2025 GSIC with high tech thermal imaging binoculars!
Wendy Van Wyck
I was at the Amazing GSIC 2024. I was able to see all the crafts that flew overhead with high powered binoculars. I could see the lights with naked eye but with the binoculars, it was so clear the shapes outlined for all of them as well. It was so exciting to see the TR3B in person. I only wish my binoculars would have a recording feature. I would suggest everyone to bring something to assist. Thank you for your participation in making it a night I will never forget. Wendy Van Wyck - Tulsa Oklahoma
It was such an amazing and exciting experience!!! At one point, I had goosebumps! Looking forward to disclosure to wake up the doubters.
Andrew maisey
It was an amazing show - truly out of this world 🛸. Thank you so much Elena, Thor Han and all the team for making this happen. When I was young I always hoped ET disclosure would happen in my lifetime and here we are, proof positive.
Angela Layton
I attended the GSIC conference in Westminster, Colorado September 2024. The highlight of this amazing conference was witnessing the UFO flyover. We watched the ships move in and out of formation several times. It was unlike anything I have ever seen. The Tr3B was low and so clearly seen. It was a phenomenal experience! Thank you Elena, Dani, and the Galactics for the experience of a lifetime.
Kunaseelan Ramayah
History was created on that GSIC event night in Denver on Sept 27, 2024. The moment those scoutships formed into a boomerang shape, I was hit with this profound, emotional connection. The feeling was intense, overwhelming even. It felt incredibly real, more so than any other time I've watched UFO footage. Much Gratitde To Emissary Elena Danaan & High Commander Thor Han Eredyon of Galactic Federation of Worlds for making it happen, historically verified 💯. You Are Loved, Unconditonally.
Paul Bohde
I was one of the witnesses of the UFO flyover at the 2024 GSIC conference at the Westminster Hotel. There was a large crowd, estimated at 1000 witnesses. I was sitting beside the waterfall channel, about 25-30 feet below where Elena Danaan was standing. I was looking southward toward Denver, and had witnessed several aircraft, both commercial and private fly toward and around the area where we were located. Because of the direction and location of where I was, I did not see the flyover by the TR3-B. I did, however, notice some craft that other people have not mentioned.
I saw two craft in particular. One was a high speed craft that traveled from the south to the north by northwest direction. There were no airplanes in the sky at the time. This craft was very high and looked like a meteorite, but was not moving in the normal direction of them. It was a bright white flash. The second one was much larger, slower and brighter. It looked like a star in the sky, white light, but moved quite slow, covering about ten degrees of the sky in 30 minutes. It also made a couple of sharp turns, about 60 degrees, while it too traveled from the south to the north northwest. I felt this was a mothership based on the size of the fleet of craft that others had photographed, and it traveled in a direction that would have intersected the flight path of the fleet.
Joseph Gelet
This was an amazing experience! The night before the flyover, at night, around the same time the Sky Watch would be, I walked in the fields in between the hotel and the park, and meditated. Near the hotel was a flight pattern so it was easy to distinguish between planes, helicopters, and these craft.
When the flyover came it was not immediately obvious what was going on – the first pass it looked like birds. It’s because I’ve never seen anything like that. They were definitely not birds. By the second pass of the scout ships you could feel a positive energy vibe going on with the crowd and was that a connection to the ships? It was a very nice feeling, like when you are with a loved one. Every time I hear Bob Marley I can be in this moment. It was very overwhelming and positive. The scout ships flashed lights and moved into formations. I made several recordings with my Samsung S23 phone but it was mostly black, but you can hear the voices and feel the energy even though it’s mostly black. The TR3b was obviously different than the scout ships.
I had an experience with a TR3b around 2010ish in very rural South Carolina and I connected with it’s consciousness, it hovered very low above the trees, for 10 minutes or so, and left- no noise. Mostly people think I was just seeing things. I was alone and didn’t have phone with me, only my 2 cats are witnesses Felix and Caty.
I’m willing to testify to this experience if it can be helpful in any way- thank you to all involved for making this happen we are forever grateful!
I was there and I saw it, my first time ever seeing UFO's.....It was amazing!!!!!
Madlin Toka
I was in Colorado GSIC. It was fantastic to be a witness for a great sky show from our Galactic friends. Breath taking experience. Thank you
Sylvie Caouette
J’y étais!!! Le feeling ressenti est indescriptible. Un glimpse de la 5e. Merci Elena pour tout ce que tu fais et ensemble nous nous libérerons et la grande réunion avec nos familles galactiques aura enfin lieu.
Michael Graham
I had never been to a sky watch event before so I didn't know what to expect. As I headed to the meeting spot from dinner, I stepped out of the building into the courtyard and my attention was drawn upward. I saw a very bright light that started to move then go dim. Then it lit up again and moved in a "J" shaped pattern. It was only after it faded out that I realized that it was definitely one of the light ships slated for that evening. The watch event hadn't started yet and I was alone when I saw it! The evening got even better as we saw groups of ships flying in formation. They were low and fast and looked like birds at first then they started to blink and flash colors! Birds don't flash colors ;-) We also saw a few light ships moving around in the sky as well. They really do light up brighter than stars!
Brandy Clari
Hello my name is Brandy Clary from Nevada. I was there in Colorado for GSIC and witnessed the ships flyover! I’ve always known and believed but when I saw this with my own eyes, I was truly a changed person. We waited in the grass for a bit, singing and raising our frequencies so they would come. Then I heard a loud high pitch in my ears and asked my new friend I’d met at the conference if he heard it. He did hear it but my mother did not. Then the TR3B flew right over us from my left side. It was triangular and I could see the outline of it in the sky. It blew my mind! Then more ships came by from the right in a formation together and then separated from each other. This was such a great testament to me of our star brothers and sisters! Disclosure is here and I’m excited to be part of it. Love and light.
Cathy Fandrich
I was there. I saw them all. I was very happy to see them! This whole worldwide disclosure is energizing! Thank you for making this happen
Patricia AA
In September 2024, I was present in Denver (CO) at the GSIC Conference and also during the flyover organized by Dani Henderson, Elena Danaan, Michael Salla, and staff members. I was one of 1,000 witnesses who saw the ufos flyover while laying on the grass and looking up at the sky. One group of scout ships from the Galactic Federation and one TR3B from our white hats military. I've seen many ships before in my life, but I've never seen them on an exact day, place, and time summoned by one person, Elena Danaan, as exactly as she promised. It was a validation of love to all of us. A confirmation that they will never let us down (as Elena's book declares). It was an amazing experience for all of us from our galactic brothers and sisters that it will remain in our hearts forever...💖✨️
Robyn E.
I was sitting on the grass next to Patricia and can attest to the amazing sight of the flybys of the Federation ships in formation as well as the incredible, silent TR3 that flew overhead. Truly a life changing experience and confirmation of all the information Elena has brought us! Thank you Elena and Thor Han for coming through on your promise!
I remember this very fondly that night in September. I was confident in Elena Danaan’s word that we would see craft fly over that night in the park near the Westminster in Denver. It must have been over an hour while looking up at the sky, listening to the excitement all around of people guessing what would happen. I made a few friends that night while looking up and around. I kept seeing flight after flight taking off and landing at the Denver international airport and wonder if some of the craft would be missed because of the airplanes. The lamp posts in the park were well lit. Being another concern that the light pollution from the lights wouldn’t allow us to see anything. At a moment of despair in Elena’s voice about the lamps not being able to be turned off in the park, they suddenly all turned off. That was honestly one of the wildest things I witnessed! After some more time of watching the skies voices cried out and you could see the craft flying very high overhead! Despite their height, all the craft gave off a very pretty bluish glow. Obviously there was no sound from them. I made a few poor attempts at recording them with my phone camera as they passed through the sky. The excitement in the air and the crowd was electric. All the years of wondering would I ever seen anything like this in my lifetime was answered. I almost couldn’t believe it. I feel honored to have been there for the viewing and to attend the sessions from the speakers. What a life changing/confirming weekend.
Elena Markina
Yes I was there… the energy was very special at that time
I gave my testimony...But I can give it again and again ! Because it was Real real. Absolutely 💯 flyover GFW ships AND Tr3b Earth Alliance. NoWay 🤗❤️❤️
Sonja Aclon
I was there, i Saw a small fleet of white ships fly above our heads. One of the most poetic and transformational moments of my life. I feel deep gratitude and a sense of being cared for. Tor Han and his team showed us we matter.
With love, Sonja Aclon
Musetta Celentano
I was at GSIC 2024 in Denver Colorado with my friend and boy did it deliver! (It was her first UFO convention at 82 years young). We, along with over 800 other guests from the convention, witnessed a flyover of several round shaped UFO’s, flying in formation over our heads, along with triangular craft, putting on a spectacular aerial display. Just as Elena had promised. It was incredible to see and experience. The energy was palpable and the crowd was cheering and hollering with excitement. The experience left you feeling breathless and wanting more. It was by FAR the best convention I’ve ever attended! Besides delivering on her promise, the information Elena, and the other guests shared was beyond inspiring and enlightening. I highly recommend GSIC to anyone seeking truth and looking for proof.
Taran Cameron
Hey Elena🌹
When you stated that there was going to be a fly over at the Denver GSIC, I had no doubt in my heart & mind that this event would happen, I just knew it would. I waited on the grass bank to the left of the stairs going down towards the auditorium, lying there gazing up constantly, I felt very calm and excited at the same time, then I saw the first formation fly over, but I did not recognise it as the fleet at first, as someone said out aloud near me, 'oh its just bird's', but then I carried on looking and replied back to them, that's not bird's it's a beautiful formation of ships, far up! Then the formation began to break apart and did some manoeuvre's, at this point others began to notice and people started to get excited as another formation came in and also did some pretty amazing manoeuvre's too, showing us all that they were there to greet us, many others followed in a magnificent show just for us, then we all witnessed a triangular craft, an Earth Alliance Craft, a TR-3B, both the TR-B3 and the Fleet entertain us for at least 15mins, it was quite spectacular!! My heart breathed a sigh of relief as I've always known, just hadn't seen them with such conviction. The next evening a few of us went skywatching again and saw more crafts! Since then I have seen a few more here in the UK Elena🌹🙏🏼🌹 My heart is wide open for contact, it has been since I was a child, I'm not from here, this I've always known.
Maria Jindra
I was there and saw the ships. When I saw the TR3B, I then knew we have a white hat military. This gave me great hope!!
Elena, I was a single attendee - age 68, I sat down on the grassy knoll just below the first step down on the left as you walk down into the lower area. A very attractive blonde, early 40’s lady Joined me. We chatted, laughed, talked about our lives, and about 15 -20 mins before GFW ships were sited, the blonde lady and myself saw a boomerang shaped dark object ( something cloaked ?) about 12-16 feet wide fly over all of us not much higher than 20 feet, maybe a little more. ( it flew left to right, as you look down to the bottom of the amphitheater ). Your first thought would be a flock of birds, but it was a boomerang shaped shadow - like it was surveying us - not a flock of birds. The blonde lady said, ‘did you see that?!!!, I replied, YES. It happened two times, going in the same direction. Did any other attendee see this? Both the blonde lady and I were looking up the entire time, when we saw this 12-14’ low flying shadow fly over before the GFW craft and the TR3B. It was a fantastic experience and great seminar!!
Janeane Saxton
I was awestruck and deeply moved to experience this disclosure event. I truly felt closer to our galactic family of souls. I was uplifted and inspired to see the ships greet us, and to know the great efforts of those in the ships who extended their love and presence. I will be forever grateful to Elena, Dani, and the other brave souls who made this possible. This experience lives in my heart now, and I can recall it and relive it anytime and feel the inspiration all over again. This was not just a siting of ships. This was a DELIBERATE effort of souls who made a great effort to extend greetings. I truly felt their love.
Susan Christhilf
I must admit I was initially convinced we were simply seeing a flock of white birds (seagulls, perhaps?) flying overhead at the GSIC Skywatch 2024....until it occurred to me that seagulls were probably not prevalent in Colorado (!), were not likely to fly at night, and didn't tend to fly in a "V" formation! Clearly, we were seeing the much-anticipated fleets! Key moments for me were the mid-flight rearrangement of the ships and, of course, the TR-3B flying low enough for us to see it rather clearly. A spectacular experience that I'll never forget! Thank you Elena, Thor Han, Dani, and all who made it happen. So eager to see what comes next!
Darren Swink
I was at the Westminster Colorado Skywatch Event on September 27, 2024 @ 9:15pm. I was only 50ft from you, Dani & Dr Salla and the camera filming this event. The GFW scoutships and the US Navy TR3B was an amazing site to see with over 1000+ witnesses. I personally want to thank you, Thorhan and the GFW for this outstanding lifetime experience. Hopefully we will see many more GFW scoutships in Denver soon.
Patricia Reed
I was at the Denver Conference and was part of the large group that observed the amazing flyover of the TR3Bs and the GFW craft. I had never experienced seeing any craft before this Conference… Trisch Reed
Brian Flucht
My name is Brian Flucht and I was witness to the various craft, or UFO’s, that were present that night over the Westminster Hotel in Denver, Colorado. I clearly saw a triangular shaped craft with glowing greenish/yellow/pale lights on the underside. It appeared to me to be below commercial jet altitude and maneuvered at speeds and vectors that I could not pattern match to any military/civilian plane, helicopter or drone replicate. It seemed to fade in and out, like it had cloaking ability. I also saw formations of what appeared to me to be higher altitude craft moving at much faster speeds. They also seemed to interact with the crowd by flashing lights. They were too far away for me to discern detail on shape.
Richard Little
I was lying on the grass a short distance from the crowd and trees. When the crowd erupted, I noticed what appeared to be a flock of a dozen geese. I have hunted geese in the past and have watched them fly at night with their bellies illuminated by city light. The appearance was the same. Then a few degrees over I spotted the fleet of several space ships weaving unlike geese, but otherwise in appearance to geese. I knew they were not geese when they flashed lights. There were a couple of flyovers from one edge of the sky and above us and around us. I saw the TR-3B at a distance but missed the close-up, as I was in the wrong spot on the other side of trees. The fleet was easier to see with the naked eye than is shown in the IR videos. I thought the IFO's were obvious, so I neglected to point them out to my friends next to me. Unfortunately they didn't see the fleet.
Conan Beth
In September 2024, I was in Westminster, Colorado for the GSIC conference when I and about 1,000 others gathered to witness a flyover of IFO's (identified flying objects) from the Galactic Federation of Worlds arranged by Elena Danaan. I really did not know what expect, but what I saw was beyond my wildest expectations. I saw fleets of ships way way up zooming across the sky in loose formations, then a striking triangular craft. The atmosphere was electric as the crowd erupted in cheers with each pass. It was as if we all instantly grasped the significance of what we were seeing. While I have until then believed Elena, now I had proof after seeing them with my own eyes. The experience was both exhilarating and transcendent, leaving an indelible mark on my perception of reality.
My name is Irene Martin, I was there and witnessed the ships. It was spectacular. I have seen ships before,I have plasma ships above my house, 3 to 6 ships every single night since mid 2021. I have hundreds of pictures of them and they interact With me. But the 2024.GSIC fly over ships was in a huge crowd filled with excitement! I’m so glad I witnessed this event. It was unforgettable. Thank you Elena for arranging this opportunity for us all to see.
I was there in the crowd and I never doubted for a minute that "they" meaning the Galactic Federation of worlds would show up but what I didn't know was that I would also get to see a TR3B from the Solar Warden program! For some reason that stirred something in me that I can't explain, especially when they blinked their green lights at us. Maybe it was a feeling of pride. Anyway to your point. 5 or 6 Galactic Federation of worlds craft flew overhead several times from the east heading west. They were in a chevron formation and because they are off world technology they were silent. Then the TR3B flew overhead twice coming from the north and heading south. It felt amazing to see with my own eyes that we do indeed have support from benevolent galactic beings. Part of our extended family. I can't thank you, Dani and Thor Han enough for making this happen. It was the highlight of my summer. I passed up a trip to Italy to attend GSIC in Westminster and it did not disappoint.
My name is Bojan Tankosic, i was there(i met you after sky event)and was spectacular..at first i thought that the ships were real birds but when they start flashing x us definitly i was wrong)...the event was breathtaking, the most powerful experience ever...the big bright craft in the end was space cherry on the cake.
Hello Elena, I was there and saw first the TR3B fly over us once, and then the Galactic Federation of Worlds formation of ships fly over us repeatedly. I was filled with the most amazing happiness, gratitude, and feeling of love each time as I watched them. Thank you, Dani and most especially thanks to Thor Hahn and the GFW for giving us that amazing gift. It was the most exciting moment I have ever experienced.
Kael Tat
I was there that night in Westminster, and those were definitely NOT birds, unless geese emit an ethereal green light or shine brighter than a planet or meteorite while in flight. I was not able to make it to the witness testimonial roundtable, but would, without hesitation, stake my Honor, my life, and my soul upon the reality of what we witnessed!
At the moment of the flyover there was an amazing, incredible, palpable surge of energetic emotion from the crowd, and a voluble "YES!" issuing from the combined hearts of all present as one! And there is more to come! Larry Moline, Minnesota
My daughter and I were there, witnessed a fleet of orbs and a triangle ship with lights by our own naked eyes.. it is just incredible.
Karen Kennedy
I was there in Denver, saw the ships, the triangle craft., the ships flying in formation, definitely not birds, birds at night? It affected me deeply, I cried on and off all night in my dreams, the message “ we love you” kept repeating. You are so loved.🥰
I was there and I saw a fleet in formation it was really exciting and right on point! And I filmed it ! I was also in France at the rencontres galactiques and I also filmed very clearly some ships !! With those 2 experiences, plus all her knowledge I have total trust in Elena’s ability to communicate with the galactic federation of worlds.
It was amazing! A Show! Much more exciting than the air shows in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale! It was exactly like what has already been described above! I couldn’t control my emotions! A cry of excitement! WE ARE NOT ALONE! IT IS REAL!
Brandy Clary
My mom and I were there! We waited in the grass, on a blanket for a bit with the crowd. We tried singing to raise our frequency as a group so that they would come. We thought we were seeing a formation of birds going by a few times, but then realized that was actually ships because they flew together and then dove apart. The triangle tr3b flew from my left to my right and it had green lights. I could see the outline and it blew my mind! I’d never seen anything like that in my life! Then more ships and more ships! It was the most amazing ight of my life! I’ll never forget it. And it was a true testimony to me of who we are. Brandy Clary from Boulder City, NV
I was present and witnessed this extraordinary evening of many ships flying over. It was a sight to be seen. I believe all who were present was no accident! We were meant to be there to witness and substantiate this event for the world! I’m proud to say I saw these ships! Francine Henson.
Hello Elena and Dani!! This is Nebilah A. and… YES! I was there! It was an amazing experience and I could see the formation fly over by the fantastic ships of Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Alliance ship which was the TR3B. I was standing at the base of the stairs with a large group of people including a few beautiful friends of mine. Our voices (yelling in glee!) (And I can name them for you if you would like me too) are on the original video as we were also standing very close to the man (behind him) who took this footage with his the infrared light camera. I could see him filming them fly over through his video screen and looking up I could see the slivery shine off the ships as they flew over head! The TR3B had three green flashing lights on the bottom of the ship as it flew over head. I definitely will never forget this experience with the massive crowd gathered there! You and Dani played the Bob Marley song too and we were all singing it together. It was a high frequency feeling all around us. Thank you ️ Thank Thor Han and those wonderful pilots of the Alliance and the Galactic Federation of Worlds️.
Awesome event visualization 8 and 3s some squadron lighted moving in and out of formation darting higher up while Boulder Calorado Jets landing and departing below the fleet Ships. Also a triangle shape red, blue, white, lighted at rear end . Move across above everyone at the hotel viewing area people all around and hotel employees. I have couple pics. Proof i was there. :Darryl-Lee :Bennett.
I was a beautiful experience. It was the first time I ever saw Galactic and alliance ships …. Awesome …. Muchas Gracias ️
Not only did the ships show up for us on Friday evening but I saw them again doing flyovers Saturday night as well. These were unmistakably ships having my own personal experience seeing flying ships above my house on many occasions. The highlight for me was the TR3-B I had never seen one of those up close and personal! Thank you Elena Danaan, Thor Han and the GFW for proving us with a beautiful show of love, connection and playfulness that weekend. Much love and gratitude with all my heart to all of you!
Elena, Dani, it is my great pleasure to testify and confirm that during the GSIC 2024 Denver conference, a thousand of participants have witnessed as I did, the galactic federation of Worlds (GFW) fleet flying over our sky making contact with all of us. The fact that this major event was suppressed by the press is very telling. Not only they flew over several times in a no fly zone, but returned briefly the following day. By the way this couldn’t happen there without the knowledge and assistance of the good military protecting us the people. This special operation was timely planned by Elena in concert with her contact the High Commander Thor Han in charge of that fleet. This collaboration is evidence that we are now communicating with other benevolent advanced extra terrestrial civilizations, opening up a brilliant future for humanity. What was the experience of the few in the past, has now become a knowledge and experience available to all. Suppression and fear mongering have been the tools of a very dark agenda hiding in all echelons of the corporate and corrupt politicians in our government world wide, to robe us of our potential and development. It is time for all of us to break free and embrace what we should have known long ago. Thank you dear Elena, the GFW, Dani and the many for your courage, assistance, to reveal the truth and lead us to our rightful destiny
I was there and it was amazing! When the TR3B disappeared behind ‘the veil’, it left behind a blue streak- like a small tail from a shooting star, but in brilliant blue, and then poof- it was gone. The GFW ship was massive. It flew in a chevron formation, then smaller craft would break away individually, then rejoin in that chevron formation. Physically, I felt a tingling sensation from head to toe for hours after. I felt ‘crisp’. My hair follicles felt activated. I was alert for hours after, despite having bad jet lag from Australia. I am certain that what we saw was legit. So honoured to have experienced this with all of you. My deepest respect and gratitude for @Elena Danaan and @Dani Henderson. Love to all of you/my GSIC community. Love WINs
I was there too. It was incredible. And no, they were not birds. I live here in CO and that was not the movement/motion of Canadian geese. These came in with like a gray kind of smokey cloaking, whisping over and behind them like moving gray clouds. That's why they were hard to spot against the night sky as they came into view, and people assumed they were birds... until that smokiness suddenly disappeared and they started flashing their lights. Because they move so quickly it's very hard to capture them with a regular camera. People mock the poor photo quality all the time of other captures posted online, but I'm very familiar with photography and they're very difficult to capture. It's too dark for a fast shutter speed which is required for a moving object. So the result is a blurry photo if you're lucky to catch them at all. I believe this is why we are missing photos from the eyewitnesses that night. I have a lot of video of people screaming, cheering, ohs and ahs. But no good visual shots. I was thrilled to see Dr. Salla had used infrared to capture it all. The other interesting aspect of these craft was the energy. I'm very sensitive to energy/frequency, and could physically and energetically feel these. When I walked away after, I felt floaty and like a big bobble head was on my shoulders. The frequency was very high. It was an incredible experience to share with people from all over the world. One love.Thank you!
I was there! I can't say for sure what those objects were, but they were fast. Very fast! So swift that I didn't manage to capture them on my borrowed night vision camera. First time I've ever tried to use one. I'm also certain they could not have overflown in that location - so close to NORAD - without military approval. Yes, Elena told us they would give us a spectacular display, and that they did for sure!
Dan Willis
I was there and witnessed this along with 1,000 witnesses that saw this demonstration by Thor Han Eredyon commanding a fleet of Galactic Federation scout ships as he promised to Elena Danaan at the GSIC 2024 conference in Colorado
I was there too! It really happened!
I was one of the 1000 eye witnesses outside of the Westminster Hotel on September 27, 2024 when the fleet of spaceships and the TR3B flew over our location. Seeing so many spaceships at once was amazing!
Edward Schelling
With Gsic2024 last year and the ships we all seen. I propose a collective effort/group project with getting the disclosure out. Since NewsNation has been out in front with some of the ufo topics of late. Let's focus on sending the following information to them.
I "insert name" attended September 27-29, 2024 GSIC2024 conference held in Westminster, CO. Hosted by Dani Henderson. During this conference a speaker, Elena Danaan arranged a spaceship Fly over between Norad and The Denver International Airport. This consisted of the Earth alliance(Earth) and The Galactic Federation of Worlds(star nations). With 1000 attendees. People captured and saw first hand various types of antigravity ships. (To be Attached video reference) https://www.galacticspiritualinformers.com/
This is a news worthy story. Please take this in consideration for a future news piece.
"Insert name"
The videos we should be attaching is the slow motion tr3b with green lights and lights turned off. Along with a night vision portion of what was captured along with any other pertinent video of that night.
I find it “Unreal” that hardly anyone knows about this! This EVENT to me is BIGGER than the Drones.
My 23 year old son and I, were honored to witness the kickoff start of UFO disclosure in Westminster Colorado. It was an amazing realization that the pilots of the ships were thinking about us and we were thinking about them. It was a magnificent energetic connection that we cherish in our hearts forever. Thank you Elena, Dani and Thor Han. 💛💫
I was there ! It was incredible... We scanned the sky until our necks hurt 😅 then, suddenly, cries of joy... Where are they ??? And I saw them ! And then the Tr3b flying low ! Fantastic ! It was Real real ! We can't forget such a unique experience. Thank you Elena and TorHan ❤️❤️❤️
Adjacent to Denver International Airport is Colorado Air and Space Port. It seems absurd folks would wonder about space vehicles when there is a space port several miles down the road. Having seen an egg like ship in clouds over New Mexico between Roswell and Dulce I was looking forward to Elena's evidence. My brother had confirmed a nurse sighting in Missouri by showing her the declassified TR-3B photo. Elena produced a TR-3 version, as well as scout ship fly overs. Prior to this I had viewed a larger star ship higher up which may have been the source of the scout ships. Night vision did pick up clearer pictures, not unlike sitting outside other space industry locations. The great thing with Elena is she knows the bus schedule!
I was at the GSIC convention and I was fascinated and grateful to witness these ships! It was amazing to see and share this with my GSIC family.🩵
Kathy Condon
I was one of the 1000 eye witnesses outside of the Westminster Hotel on September 27, 2024 when the fleet of spaceships and the TR3B flew over our location. Seeing so many spaceships at once was amazing!✨🛸✨
Hi Elena, here is my testimony. My name is Anna Lin, and I l am from Taiwan. I flew from Taiwan to Colorado specifically to attend GSIC 2024, and while there, I experienced the most incredible event. I am so grateful for the opportunity to meet Ms. Elena in person and for your autograph on my treasured book, Encyclopedia Galactica I—I was deeply moved! I remember it was around 8:30 PM on September 27th when my husband and I joined the large crowd at the park next to the Westin Hotel, looking for a comfortable spot to lie down and wait for the SkyWatch to begin. At first, I was worried that the streetlights were too bright, making it difficult to see anything in the night sky. Thanks to the hardworking staff, the park lights were turned off. About an hour later, the crowd suddenly erupted in gasps and exclamations—we saw a triangular craft with three lights gliding across the night sky. There was no mistaking the iconic shape of a TR3B—it was unmistakable! Later, another incredible sight appeared: a row of bright circular lights. Ms. Elena explained that it was a GFW Scoutship. From our perspective, it looked like a boomerang-shaped formation of round lights, sometimes separating and then coming back together. It was unbelievable. I couldn’t help but grab my husband’s hand and shout, making sure he was seeing it too! The formation flew from the right side of the sky, made a turn, and then left. Ms. Elena explained on-site that since this area belongs to civilian airspace, the scoutship could not stay for long or fly below an altitude of 62 miles. Not knowing when they might return, and feeling quite cold due to being underdressed, my husband and I decided to leave earlier. Unfortunately, my iPhone was unable to capture the flashing lights in the darkness. This was my first time witnessing a non-Earth-made space craft, and to experience this moment with fellow GSIC participants was truly unforgettable—it is one of the most remarkable moments of my life. My mind was overwhelmed with emotions. I sincerely hope that one day, all people on Earth will have the opportunity to learn the true history and reality of our planet. I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the GSIC speakers—Ms. Elena, Sir Alex Collier, Dr. Salla, JP, Dani, Jerry Wills… I can’t list everyone, but each one of you is a hero to me. I love you all! Anna Lin Taichung, Taiwan January 29, 2025
I was only 50ft from the camera. It was a gorgeous Colorado night with 1000+ witnesses. Thanks Elena Danaan , Thorhan and the GFW it was an amazing event. Hopefully there will many more in 2025.
Chris Wood
I was honored to be witness to it all. It was very cool to enjoy the crowds excitement and amazement. Oddly I think it was the first time I have seen UFO’s and it didn’t feel unusual, very natural. I guess I am hard to impress :)
I was at the GSIC skywatch w/Ju Chen last September. The photo on here is exactly what I saw. I also saw the TR3B. It’s a wonderful & joyful experience!
Lady Sophia Sage
I attended GSIC 2024 in Westminster, CO, and LOVED ♥️♥️♥️ every minute! Most exciting was the attendees reacting to the TR3B flyover and Dani telling everyone "those are not birds"!!! The lights of the other crafts were very high and moved in formation and then circled for a second pass. Incredible!!!🛸🛸🛸
Andrew Maisey
I was there. This is real.
Marylene Andrews
I am so proud to say that I was there to witness and see these amazing crafts and so was my husband and grandson. All my life I knew we weren’t alone, and dreamt of the day I would see them with my own eyes. Wow, I will never forget that night, it was so incredibly exciting and validated I wasn’t wrong.
Thank you Thor Han, Elena, Dani and all of you revealing the truth. Live is the key and I Love you all❤️💜
Tracy Demeza
I was there , saw the GFW ships fly in formation, turn and weave, then the TRB flew over low and large, then the GFW ships put on more of a show! Everyone was oohing and ahhh-ing like 4th of July fireworks! It was fantastic and amazing! Can’t call them UFO’s if you know who’s flying them!🛸🥳👍
Hi Elena. I was there and witnessed without a doubt the TR3B and the fleet in V formation. I watched as the triangular shaped craft flew right above me. I was the first to spot it in my crowd because it was absolutely silent and then I cried out and pointed ‘there!! Triangle!!’ . After that everyone was screaming with excitement. The craft was silent and sleek. I could make out clearly the white soft glow of the triangle as well as the soft glow of the three lights. The scout ships in V formation were also silent and I believe white . I saw the green lights twinkle if the lead ship as they reached the horizon . I was registered as Monica Di Julio and you signed my book after the book signing had finished as I had missed it. You were so kind to do that and I thank you so very much for that and the experience!
Kent Baxter
Yes indeed, I was there front and center for the best aerial show I've ever witnessed. I already had many photos of ships, when they allowed me to photograph them, but the emotions that ran through my body when I witnessed the 1st ever organized Extraterrestrial craft air show, along with the earth alliance's TR3B, this was ABSOLUTE truth that that the GFW and the earth Alliance are working together. I have never felt anything like that before. It was also nice that I finally got to introduce myself to you Elena, immediately following the event. Truly amazing, and I am so greatful I was there to see it live. ( From Kent Baxter ) ️️️
My name Is Linda Lilianne Carré from Saint-Jean Baptiste Québec, Canada I was there. I was so excited to be part of this. Was sitting on the stairs by the tree. Felt like a kid at 63 realizing a dream come true. The energy was full of excitement and wonder. Then they came. The flights in formation with blinking lights. The awing and cries of the crowd was incredible and yes including myself! We saw them go by and come back and the TR3B was so close and we saw underneath it and the lights on the triangular ship. We did not want it to end. The glee and smiles from ear to ear on our faces and what a beautiful warm feeling I felt is hard to describe. It is as if a door was opened at that moment for many to see. So many thanks to Elena and Thor Han and Dani and the whole team on and off world for making this happen. Just writing about it puts me back in that energy which I cannot wait to live again. A lot of love is sent your way!
I was in the grass area just below the stairs. The first object in the sky was a fastwalker. That traversed from right to left above us. It went very fast in a short distance and was white in color. Shortly after that the first grouping of ships that was in a boomerang formation. Which I first thought was one big ship/craft. It literally decloaked/materialized as it moved from our left to right and flew way from us. Then it was one after another with ships flying in formation and moving around to let us know it was under intelligent control. There was so much in the sky. I missed the Tr3b and the second fastwalker that darted across the sky. Everyone was cheering with each fly over. It was great. A fun and energetic atmosphere too. I was so happy for people who never seen the ships before to actually see them. It was the best conference of my life. Edward Schelling
I follow one of the guest speakers and felt compelled to go. I invited my spouse who is a skeptic, to the UFO night watch! We were both blown away!! He is now a believer!! There was a sense of relief and a joy inside that I have been praying for. At first we thought it was a flock of birds flying in the “V” shape, but it got quiet, then the UFO fleet flew over, it was magical!! I was hitting my husband on the leg saying “look at that” over and over again.
My husband and i were there! It was AMAZING seeing a fleet of ships flying in formation and a tr3b! We see and film single ships often in WA but never a fleet! My hubs is retired AF where he worked on fighter jets and also retired from a submarine contractor….he knows the difference of things flying in the sky…it definitely wasnt birds as some are saying…maybe they saw birds but the fleet of ships and tr3b were definitely not! And it wasnt just the sighting but the feeling of the frequency that many felt in our hearts….wowie…all i can say is that we are happy we were there to experience it! Thanks GFW Thor Han and Elena for making it happen…a moment we will never forget!
I will never forget that event as long as I live. It was such a great weekend meeting new people with similar and varying experiences.
Nadia Marin
I was there and saw the fleet and the TR-3B ship that flew by more than once around the hotel’s amphitheater area. People filmed in their phones and some posted on facebook and instagram. Dani and Dr. Salla have shared as well those videos for people that want documentary evidence.
Nigel B. Patterson
I was there... absolutely awesome! The video cannot capture the "vibe" that was present; an undeniable energy connection between us on the ground and those in the air. The lasting feeling, "You are not alone. We have your back!" And a massive thank you to Elena and Thor Han for their extraordinary connection and devotion to humanity.
I was there too and it was real. Saw it. Felt it. I’m so grateful.
Kayla Schrader
Never a doubt Elana. Thank you for showing Humanity that our Galactic partners are out there, I went into emotional chills all over my body, and I felt peace for some strange reason. It's a resonation type peace for me. THANK YOU for doing what should've been done many many years ago. Now those that think they're in power, have NOWHERE to run. ... NASA is a joke!, YOU are the real deal. May you stay protected and Blessed, and may you continue your mission to awaken humanity.
Theresa Walker
I got chills watching those crafts and felt quite emotional just amazing thank you xx
It was wonderful to see and I am one of the one thousand that witnessed this beautiful spectacle in the sky. Thank you Elena and Thor Han for arranging it!
Yes!!! I was there!!! We really saw federation ships and a TR-3B!!!
Karen Kennedy
I saw the first ships, had to leave , so tired, but it effected me deeply, I cried on and off all night, getting the message “ you are so loved” That I saw it and it’s real is so powerful.
Scott O'Bryan
My jaw was open. I swear I saw them. Best sighting ever. Beautiful thank you all.
I was there, this is real. Just spectacular. Even with some clouds the ships were plain to see. Amazing times, thank you Elena. GSIC III was spectacular also. We are in major disclosure time now.
Thank you Elena and Thor Han. I was there, 1 of 1000+ It was truly amazing
We were there, it was Amazing! Never saw anything like that ever before! Thank you Elena, we appreciate you!
My scalp was tingling. It was like goosebumps all over my body as well as my scalp which was a first for me to feel that physical sensation.
It was an incredible experience! I've always believed but this confirmed what I already felt in my heart!
I was there. I am certain what we saw was real. I felt goosebumps in my scalp for the following three hours. Most profound experience of my life, second only to the birth of my son. So grateful to have that with all of you.
Stephan R.
Thank you Elena and Thor Han for the perfectly aligned scout ships and the TR3B over our heads in Denver, that was absolutely beautiful and amazing to see live!!
It was so magical to witness! The realization that the pilots of the space ships were thinking of us, and we were thinking of them was a very emotional connection for me.
What a night! I saw them, the scout ships in formation and the TR3B. It was life changing.
Janet Sugrue
It was so thrilling ! Amazing to have been shared that experience with so many fellow humans.
John Lomax
Some of you may think this is rubbish. However, this event did happen. The reason I can say this did happen is because I was there, and I saw these craft with my own eyes. There was a lot of GSIC conference attendees at this skywatch event, and we all saw them. THIS IS HISTORY,. in the making ( 9:15 pm Sept 27,2024 at the Westin Hotel, Westminster, Co).