Pride and attention seeking may be the fiercest enemies we come across in life. When ego takes over humility, we loose compass. I never intended to write an article about this particular issue, nor make any public statement, for I wished from the beginning to keep it quiet, walk the higher road, as not to show any division to the public. My excruciating vow of silence was to protect you all. However, despite my efforts to stay out of it and focus on my mission, I was constantly solicited, attacked and defamed. All began when "He" hassled me to take his side against Miyoko Sano, the organizer of the conference in Tokyo, because she wasn't able to pay for a business class ticket for his wife to come to Japan with him, in a difficult economic period in where the Yen was very low. I have to precise, that he had previously thoroughly hassled Miyoko Sano to organize a conference for him. His stubbornness took such an intense turn that I summoned him to leave me alone as I still refused to get involved and didn't want to turn against my dear friend Miyoko. He answered very dramatically that his revenge would be sneaky and devastating. Indeed, he mounted Japanese people against each other and our compassionate friend Dani Henderson intervened to oblige him to apologize and make an appearance on stage in Tokyo to kill the harmful gossips he had generated by hubris, in the beautiful Japanese community. But this my friends, was only just the beginning of a tsunami of chaos him and his wife unleashed.
As chaos continued to unfold, four days after they were announced that their contract for the future GSIC would not be renewed, he got his "best friend" to attack the GSIC Denver flyover with a formidable nastiness, and me also. (claiming sarcastically to Dani Henderson, myself and my sister that what they saw that night were finally geese, saying otherwise publicly on social media). These people have an incredible ability to lie in your face, caught many times. These ridiculous attacks continue to this day.
It has been quite hard to keep silence as lies and badmouthing were swiping through the internet. The couple instigating all this chaos never acted face to face but using their friends to fight their war and remain as innocent as lambs in the public eye. This sociopathic trait is typical of very manipulative individuals, who play on lies, drama and human emotions. I am used to deal with public gaslighting: by actually not dealing with it. I would have kept on minding my own business in spite of these ridiculous provocations, if another element hadn't come up:
I began to receive more and more emails and private messages on social media, from confused French people begging me to bring clarity in that mess and tell my side of the story. I didn't have much time on my hands to answer each of them privately, but at the same time I knew that making a public statement would be a mistake that would be used against me; the true purpose of gaslighting, right? So I had this idea, inspired by the Prime Directive. I have been working with the Galactic Federation of Worlds for a long time and I have learned my classes in dealing with information. According to the Prime Directive, when we know that an information could be harmful for an unprepared culture, there are other ways, such as those used by some of the scientific collaboration programs between cultures of different levels of evolution. One of these methods, actually the best, is to invite the other part to ask questions, and we will answer them exactly on point. We estimate that when someone is coming up with a question, they are ready for the answer. So, I just did that.
Answering people's genuine questions wasn't in any ways biting the bait of the enemy's gaslighting; it had nothing to do with it. So on February 11 2025, I opened a topic on my Telegram channel that I closed after 24h. Here is the announcement I made:
“Hello everyone. In view of the countless questions I've been asked privately, which I can't answer for lack of time, concerning the recent divisive operations within French disclosure, I'd like to make the following clarification: As a representative of the Prime Directive and in parallel with my fight to expose the truth, I will not be making any public statements, which would be to sink as low as the ego-centrist slanderers. Instead, I'm at your disposal to answer any questions publicly, here on my Telegram channel or during my webinars. We've done our utmost to try and protect the unity of disclosure, but given the proportions taken by the lies and defamation, it's time to set the record straight. The end of the Kali Yuga marks the collapse of everything that was founded on lies, egoism and illusion. We are confronted with a great manipulation using drama and feelings. Silence, which was protective in the beginning, has now become divisive. It pains me. So I cannot remain silent any longer and am now at your disposal, for I have returned to this planet to expose the lies forthrightly.”
Please find below the PDF's kindly made by my friends Abigaelle and Barbara, beautiful and brave warriors for Truth:
On the following day, on February 12, I closed the Q&A in my Telegram chat by stating this:
"Hi everyone, beautiful siblings in Creator's Love. I recently offered to answer your questions regarding confusion in the French disclosure community, from my personal experience and knowledge. My purpose in this decision was to ease the minds by bringing answers, and allow us all to move on in unity and compassion. I have been deeply moved by all the support and love, from all of you here, and I am immensely grateful. I am delighted to see that many of you never walked into the game. However, I don't want to see another witch hunt beginning. Please. In a greater vision, we are all Creator experiencing evolution through our lives, our mistakes as much as our achievements. Compassion should be the way, and peace the solution. Lies are forgiven although not excused, as they remain what they are in nature. Mistakes are the teachings we put ourselves on our own path. Humanity moves into an era of deeper understanding of the functioning of the multiverse of Creation. I suggest that we now move on, shift our energy and focus on our respective - and common- mission: building a better future.
With Love
Elena Danaan
Bonjour à tous, frères et sœurs dans l'amour du Créateur. J'ai récemment offert de répondre à vos questions concernant la confusion dans la communauté française de divulgation, à partir de mon expérience et de mes connaissances personnelles. Mon but dans cette décision était d'apaiser les esprits en apportant des réponses, et de nous permettre à tous d'avancer dans l'unité et la compassion. J'ai été profondément touchée par le soutien et l'amour que vous m'avez tous témoignés, et je vous en suis immensément reconnaissante. Je suis ravie de constater que beaucoup d'entre vous ne sont jamais entrés dans le jeu. Cependant, je ne veux pas qu'une nouvelle chasse aux sorcières commence. Je vous en prie. Dans une vision plus large, nous sommes tous des créateurs qui évoluent au fil de leur vie, de leurs erreurs comme de leurs réussites. La compassion devrait être la voie à suivre et la paix la solution. Les mensonges sont pardonnés, mais pas excusés, car ils restent ce qu'ils sont par nature. Les erreurs sont les enseignements que nous plaçons nous-mêmes sur notre propre chemin. L'humanité entre dans une ère de compréhension plus profonde du fonctionnement du multivers de la Création. Je suggère que nous passions maintenant à autre chose, que nous changions d'énergie et que nous nous concentrions sur notre mission respective - et commune : construire un avenir meilleur.
Avec Amour
Elena Danaan "
Stef Zak - Personal Assistant, Videographer and Sister of Elena Danaan
We were close, calling each other my brother, my sister... and then there were some issues with the Japan conference. Miyoko had asked the speakers to buy their tickets well in advance so that they could benefit from reasonable prices. Jean-Charles and Mélanie took too long to get the tickets, and Miyoko couldn't afford the price. Jean-Charles didn't want to leave without Mélanie and first-class tickets. Mélanie was not scheduled to speak at the conference. I should mention that Miyoko did not pay for my ticket, so it is not clear why she was asked to pay for Mélanie's ticket, given that Mélanie was not scheduled to speak. Jean-Charles involved Elena in this situation, attempting to get her to support his perspective. However, Elena declined. She attempted to find ways to resolve the situation, but did not align herself with either of them. Jean-Charles persistently sent messages to Elena, and she decided to maintain her distance. This was the first point of divergence between Jean-Charles and Elena. As a result, JC and M had a divergence of opinion with Miyoko, and their participation in the film shoot in Japan was no longer a possibility. JC contacted me by private message, because he was in a panic that my sister ‘didn't love him anymore’ and he added as a brother, because she refused to take his side in the argument with Miyoko. But my sister didn't want to hear any more about it, because in the end, it was between Miyoko and JC ... But it was obsessed that she never wanted to speak to him again.
On 12 August 2024, I learned through an email from Mariko Kamimura to my sister that JC and M were finally going to Japan, and that Mariko was going to organize conferences for them at the same time as Miyoko. At 11pm, I decided to ask JC whether he was coming or not. He informed me one hour later that they were not able to attend, as they would have liked to, but that financial constraints were a barrier. An hour and a half later, we received a message from Mélanie informing us that they had finally found tickets and were planning to come to Japan. We knew they were coming, and we also knew that Mariko was starting to criticise Miyoko and make her look like a slut (Yes, you read that right), in the Japanese ufology community, we called in Dani Henderson to mediate between Miyoko and JC and Melanie. It was agreed that they would speak for 1 hour at Miyoko's conference.
“I offered to help Miyoko, Jean-Charles and Melanie mediate, as I could see the damage happening in the disclosure movement and after Jean-Charles publicly shamed Miyoko I stepped into support her. Without me, Melanie would NEVER have spoken on that stage.”
-Dani Henderson
We told them in private messages what we thought of their attitude, and they still positioned themselves as victims, even though they'd had a tantrum about the tickets and wanted Miyoko to pay for everything...
Once we'd said that, we moved on, but trust was fragile because they'd lied to us.
During the Denver conference, during a day I spent with Mélanie, we talked about Japan. She explained to me that JC cried a lot because Elena was distant, and that he was very affected by this ... She tried to turn my brain against my sister, telling me it wasn't right what she was doing by not wanting to talk. And Melanie asked me to try and change her mind and have a chat with them...
The Denver conference passes... Dani Henderson, the organiser and founder of the GSIC, decided not to renew JC and M's contract for 2025, as she is organizing smaller events this year. Meanwhile, Dani shares the news of JC's recent actions, which have caused some concern. He has requested that Dani send payment via GoFundMe for their performance at GSIC in Denver, as this would allow them to avoid paying tax. Dani respectfully declines, as her organization's values are rooted in transparency and integrity. Shortly afterwards, Dani receives an email from Amanda, her assistant, informing her that JC has contacted her regarding the GoFundMe initiative; JC assured Amanda that Dani has consented to the arrangement.
Two days later, Kevin Luengo posted on the Denver flyover. He stated that although he wasn't there, it wasn't spaceships, it was geese. Have you ever seen geese flashing? In his video, he deliberately selected only small parts of videos made by others, thereby insulting his Mufon colleague Karen Hill (President of Mufon Tucson), who was present and filmed with night vision. I was informed by someone I trust that JC and M were behind all of Kevin Luengo's relentlessness. They told this person: 'We asked Kevin to do it!'
Kevin then created a public Telegram group, where everyone came to pour out incredible hatred against Elena, criticising her on her looks, questioning her mental health and her diplomas. It's a really horrible thing to do...
And it's been escalating ever since, using everyone to turn them against my sister, harassing the organizer of the ‘Rencontres Galactiques’ French conference, turning the head of David Rousseau, whom we adored, and without the intervention of the organiser of the Rencontres Galactiques’, the defamatory article he published in his newspaper ADNM n° 5 would have clearly mentioned Elena's name.
They had NO PLATFORM, barely any following and Dani Henderson gave them 3 years of GSIC to support their work because she loved and trusted them and all they said - Elena built them up on her channel, advised and guided them for years. They did not support the fly over, and they created false accounts, Melanie is Fire Dragon and Jean-Charles is Gloria Starseed (among other multiple pseudo with same @address) and they used these false accounts to attack Elena in public, accuse her of plagiarizing, yet this is exactly what they have done - they bit the hand that supported them and wanted to be the ones to bring the space craft, the ultimate proof of contact, but it was Elena Danaan who was the one and since this, JC and Mel have attacked, attacked attacked.... they destroyed their own path with ego, obsession for fame and dishonesty.
You know, they say that love makes you blind... Well, we loved them so much that we were blind...
Elena always promoted JC's films because he was stalking her, he identified us in each of his Facebook posts promoting his films to get as many views as possible, Elena made a lot of videos with them on her channel. Yes, she deleted them... Do you want to know why? I'll tell you: when did you see Jean-Charles or Mélanie promoting my sister's books? Answer: NEVER !!!! They haven't even opened one of her books... But we have seen their films and loved them... Very good fiction for an amateur!
I also remember once sending JC a YouTube link to a guy who was disrespectfully mocking my sister, so he could report it to YouTube.
JC's first reaction: 'He's talking about me? I told him no, it's about my sister...
After watching the video, he said: Oh, it's OK, he only talks about me for 10 seconds...
That should have tipped me off, but as I said... We were blinded.
JC also had a bit of an obsession with Elena; if he didn't hear from her, he would contact me to see if everything was OK and he seemed very anxious. At the Japan conference, when she was on stage, he couldn't take his eyes off her, and that evening he contacted me to say that he had taken some ''superb pictures'' of her. And he added a message to Elena: "Elena, you were beautiful on stage".
In conclusion, I'd like to add that this story has made me grow up, and I've learnt that compassion heals. I've turned the page, and they're no longer part of my life. Let them go their way, I'll go mine. I have compassion for them, but I don't forgive their lies and all the harm they've caused to the people I love. First my sister, then Dani and then Miyoko.
Stef Zak, March 6 2025.
BARBARA LEGENTIL - Member of the Star Nation News French translation team and volunteer at “Rencontres Galactiques”.
I'd like to complete my testimony with more personal information than I shared in my article in the PDFs above.
I was close to Mélanie in that I was part of her 3rd cohort (from October or November 2022 to February 2023) and we became friends over the months that followed the accompaniment. These cohorts were accompaniments designed to help Starseeds who wished to remember, find themselves and move on. I had high hopes for this accompaniment, as it included hypnosis sessions (at a distance, as I live in France and Mélanie and JC in Quebec), group coaching and 2 treatments by Jean-Charles. I was very happy and confident about what it had brought me, even if there were some dissonant things I'd noticed, particularly in relation to hypnosis.
I remember a group coaching session in which Melanie told us that Elena had to be careful what she said, as it could have far-reaching consequences for people. She had shared with us that Elena had stirred up trouble in her previous cohort with her warnings about therapists using the language of light and claiming to activate DNA. As this was part of Melanie's practice, one of the patients/clients had vehemently questioned her guidance in front of the whole group. She told us that following this incident, JC had called Elena and told her that she had made a mess of Melanie's work, and that afterwards Elena had made an explanatory video to defuse the problem. I remembered this video, in which she explained that she was talking about therapists with dubious practices, no integrity and working solely for money and ego, and that this did not include therapists with integrity. This video reassured me at the time, giving me confidence in Mélanie's work... With hindsight, the clarification of several elements, the confirmations... I no longer have the same perception. I deeply believe that despite her intention to help, which I believe was truly sincere, these practices were connected to black goo. This conclusion is mine alone and has not been verified.
I've always had great confidence in Elena's information, because right from the start it corroborated my own experiences on several subjects, confirmed my conclusions and answered my questions, particularly her warnings about channeling, which she was the only one to mention at the time. I finally had the answers or confirmation I'd been looking for. I followed all the information she shared assiduously and passionately. They resonated deeply with me, and it was a joy to see that her information was regularly corroborated by factual events in the news. This further strengthened my confidence in her work and contacts. And as time and revelations progressed, the more Elena's debunks corroborated my experiences, observations and conclusions.
Most of the time, when I said to Melanie, “Have you seen Elena's latest news? What she says about...”, Melanie would say ‘What's vibrating in your heart?’, ”Does it resonate in your heart? I thought this was to encourage me not to hand over my power to the outside world and to think independently. During our discussions, she explained that disagreement didn't prevent love, which in itself is absolutely true. In fact, she had told me several times that she didn't always agree with Elena, but that didn't stop her from loving her.
The false information or lies of other French whistleblowers made me very angry, because in my opinion this manipulated the masses and was a serious act coming from “whistleblowers” who are supposed to tell people the truth and not manipulate them anymore. I found this very hard to accept. For me, people had to be warned of mistakes, they had to be warned of false information, it was visceral. She knew this and tried to temper me when I spoke to her privately and forcefully on the subject, explaining that “to each his own”, “one person's truth is not another's truth”, “if the person is convinced that it's true, then so be it”, “there is no absolute truth”... and that what mattered was to remain united, not to generate conflict between whistle-blowers because she didn't like that... So I tried to change my perception of things, not wanting to create conflict, although I felt a strong dissonance in this speech. What followed was a deeper understanding that all this talk is New-Age and is designed to silence people, to make them accept anything and everything, to make them believe that everything is the truth, to keep the masses in a state of illusion and lies.
One day, when I spoke out sincerely with Elena about a whistleblower because it shocked me, as it did Elena, that false information was being spread and taking masses of people in the wrong direction, Mélanie violently reproached me for “stirring up trouble”, even though I had spoken out sincerely with Elena in private and was defending the truth. I was deeply hurt and disappointed that the truth should be swept aside and punished in the name of a union based on lies. I couldn't see the difference between Deep State practices and this, within disclosure. This plunged me into silence, where I didn't dare say anything to anyone for fear of “stirring up trouble”.
After the water had gone under the bridge, I'd bring up the debunk page or other information from Elena. She'd say, “Just because Elena says it doesn't mean it's true”. The vibration wasn't the same as before, I felt uneasy. The time it really squeezed my heart and hurt was when she continued to maintain this when I pointed out that Elena's debunks had been validated by the GFW and that this was no small thing. Her response and vibration made me realize that she was questioning this too, and that in the end she wasn't really supporting Elena's work. Given that each time she said “listen to your heart, you're the one who knows”, I concluded that her heart wasn't in resonance with Elena's. And there were a number of small comments. And there had been several little remarks trying to show me that Elena was exaggerating in her words, distorting information... all based on private exchanges. The feeling I had was that Mélanie was trying to make me understand that I was praising Elena and that I lacked the clarity of vision and analysis to really see things through, like a disciple and his guru. Every time I did this, I had questions about Elena and her integrity. This was very upsetting and disturbing for me, but I always came back to the same conclusion and the same deep feeling after analyzing the elements: the integrity of Elena and her work was obvious.
At the time of the Olympics, I had quite a few exchanges with Mélanie, sharing my feelings about the opening and closing ceremonies. My feelings about the closing ceremony didn't match the positive message it actually delivered, which was later explained by the GFW, via Thor Han in an edition of Star Nation News. Still driven by the quest for truth and clarity within myself, I wanted to understand why there was this discrepancy between my feelings and the reality of the message I hadn't perceived. I simply wanted to understand what had happened to me at that moment, because I had (and still have) total confidence in the GFW, Thor Han, Elena and all her contacts. I knew they had integrity from the depths of my being. So, I shared my questions with Melanie, explaining what Thor Han had said (because they don't follow her Stars Nation News), to which she wrote back, “According to Elena...” That was in August 2024. Her implication was perfectly clear.
Then came GSIC 2024, which I attended. Dr Christiane Northrup's conference. An extraordinary woman. She plays a slide about the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games and gives her interpretation of the closing ceremony, which is not the same as that given by the GFW. The conference ends and I arrive at JC and Mélanie's stand. Immediately, without wasting a second, she tells me that Dr. Northrup is a hyper-aligned woman and that she doesn't agree with Elena either. I was shocked by her vibration because it wasn't a vibration that was looking for the truth. It was a vibration that wanted to convince me to stop believing what Elena was relaying. It was yet another confirmation. I must admit that I didn't feel at this GSIC what I had felt at the previous one. I felt a distance from them, something wasn't quite right. The vibrations were really weird. And that saddened me. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but during this GSIC I was taken, to my great surprise, by a great sadness and melancholy, deeply wishing to return home (to my planet) and find my loved ones who I missed terribly, tired of being here. It had been such a long time since I'd felt it with such intensity. Stef Zak (and another friend I've lost through this story) can testify to this, as she stood beside me and supported me.
This is where I add my article in the PDF above about the smear campaign waged by Kevin, JC and Mélanie, including the ballet of GFW ships and the Earth Alliance's TR3B.
What's important to know is that my career path has led me to develop the ability to perceive and analyze the frequencies that pass through me, in order to be clear about what drives me. My vigilance is permanent. So before making my article public, I shared it on a private Telegram channel. A few moments after sharing it on this channel, informed by moles, Mélanie contacted me by messenger even though we were no longer in contact, asking for a video to “clear things up”. I agreed, until I felt the “little girl in front of her mother” frequencies kicking in, making me cower. So, I cancelled the visio and blocked all contact with her to avoid any attempt at psychic manipulation. A few days later, I published my article.
For me, what counts is the truth of the facts and stopping everything that keeps minds in lies, confusion and delusion. What has happened is sad, disappointing and serious, because they have done a great deal of harm, not only to the people they were close to and who trusted them, but also to the disclosure movement and, in turn, to the liberation of Humanity. It was a betrayal fraught with consequences. When you have a mission as important as guiding people towards the truth that liberates, the responsibility is great. I sincerely believe that to serve the truth, you have to be driven by it, so that any personal interests that might keep you in the lie, in the illusion or in the ego, automatically take a back seat and ultimately dissolve. In my opinion, this is the only security. And I know that both Elena and Dani Henderson are driven by this.
Thank you to Elena and her contacts for accompanying us so well in this period of liberation and awakening of Humanity.
Barbara Legentil - March 7, 2025
CORINNE HUET - Friend of Elena Danaan and official translator of Star Nation News
Ah, the Rencontres Galactiques 2! The Valsoyo estate, memories engraved. I was lucky enough to be invited on the Monday evening, July 8, 2024, to meet the disclosure team and the team of volunteers (including my translation team). The warmest welcome was from Elena Danaan, to thank me for the French dubbing work and the fact that we could meet in person. David also came up to me to say hello when I arrived and the next day. Later, wanting to go out and enjoy the summer temperatures, we were chatting with my friends outside, and we had our heads turned towards the sky, because they had told me about a ballet of about thirty scout ships the day before. We started pointing our phones at the sky when we heard Elena Danaan behind us, coming out of the room and pointing to the sky right in front of her and saying, “Look, they're straight ahead!” As we turned around, we saw a moving luminous shape that looked like neither a star, a satellite nor the ISS (International Space Station)! And it was certainly not a plane, helicopter or drone! I have been observing the stars and the sky since 1991, I know how to recognize something terrestrial from a shooting star! Elena adds, “Thor Han just gave me the information!” We were amazed as we filmed and took photos (thanks to night mode) of these ships that really showed themselves to us: very bright, without noise.
At the second session, Elena mentioned, at the end of the presentation of Nikola Tesla, on July 10, 2024, by the pond, that Thor Han had predicted a ballet of ships in the sky and it happened! To see all the people who had stayed in the green space near the conference hall looking for a luminous movement, communicating with joy at having seen one or more and hearing everyone getting excited and filming, was very emotional! Thank you not only for confirming the presence of spaceships, UFOs, but above all for confirming contact with beings who, this time, are benevolent towards humanity and from whom we have nothing to fear but everything to gain by understanding them and their technologies. How could she have known what we were doing and the exact location of the spaceships' appearance, if not by having the information directly? This proves that Elena Danaan is in communication with her contact and twin flame Thor Han Eredyon and, moreover, with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the E.T. military organization in which he works.
I discovered Elena Danaan in 2023, and JC and Melanie in 2022. I had been very impressed by JC's experience, who had his full abilities until he was a young adult, then Melanie and her memories of another humanoid extraterrestrial appearance, and of hybrid children she had met. The galactic encounters in Tours in 2023 were advertised on YouTube, I feel inside that it vibrates strongly to go!
Luckily, I listened to my inner guidance because the next day there were no more places available. It took me back to my childhood and my observations of the sky, my conviction that we are not alone in the galaxy. The fact that abductees and contactees confirmed this in public, recounting their experiences with evidence, confirmed my feelings about the existence of other exogenous beings and that something was going to happen worldwide. It was disclosure, to prepare us for contact!
Seeing the three French-speaking people I had followed in each interview in the flesh was moving. But everything had already been said in the interviews. No new information about their memories, details, or about the progress of our liberation from the Deep State. But when I saw Elena Danaan arrive on stage to tell her story, the story of humanity, her memories of her origins, including Altea, her illustration of the planet that touched and moved me (as if I knew that these landscapes and vegetation existed), and heard Robert L confirm the frequency of Elena Danaan and her words, I was captivated. What's more, the flowchart showing all the negative extraterrestrial organizations that had allied themselves with dark humans, then showing benevolent ones, dated facts ... corroborated by archives and the exopolitical work of Dr. Salla, I was blown away. It was very enriching!
On the last day of the conferences, she received messages live: from Thor Han, who had made me burst into tears of relief, from his frequency (his voice) through Elena, and from EA, with hands joined in uncontrollable gratitude, then Elena who told us at the end of the conferences “it's up to you to spread the messages!”
Waking up the day after this very enriching weekend, both in human terms and in terms of information, I was startled by the name “ELENA”, received as a clairaudience. And when I have this kind of clairaudient manifestation, it means I need to pay attention to it. So I took the time to get to know her, through her books, then her videos, and I took the plunge and followed a webinar in October 2023. A good way to get back into English! And I saw who she was, and not what people were painting her as, including a whistleblower who, mocking the directed energy weapon that destroyed habitats on the island of Lahaina, Hawaii, mocked Thor Han Eredyon's response via Elena, that the actions of the Deep State can escape the vigilance of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (when a short time before, he had told me that it was magnificent)... it broke my heart and made me turn to her.
Yes, the frequency of pronunciation “ELENA” in clairaudience said “I'm here, it's important, it's the key” (in my personal understanding and beyond). And for other reasons that I understood about my closeness to and commitment to the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which Elena confirmed to me following a visit from a Pleiadian officer in February 2024. Our loved ones continue their life journey up there...
You know what happened next! I felt strongly called upon to be the French-language intermediary for the information of Elena Danaan, emissary of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, so that the truth would not be hindered by the language barrier. And in support of Elena, who was being strongly attacked and scorned, as well as the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
And then comes that week of October 14, 2024.... A post on Facebook from the wall of shame by Kevin Luengo in which my comments appear.... Which were just a question of his change of tone towards disclosure and Elena Danaan. He says of us that we are “his soldiers” and that it is a cult. I was stunned! The shock! I will be part of a sect for him and in the eyes of everyone! The tone of the post, the mockery, the condemnation, the humiliation, everything reminds me of the harassment I suffered as a schoolgirl. I talk about it to my children, who are made aware of it in their schools, I explain to them what is happening, the post, the fact of exposing my name in the form of screenshots. They confirm that it is cyberbullying. To stop it, it must be blocked and reported. Things I did to protect myself.
Elena had warned me when we first got in touch to hang on to her and support her. Indeed! I realized how much she has been through in the last five years. In addition to her childhood, her abduction and the psychological trauma and physical after-effects (she couldn't have children because of the scars, after all! And they drilled holes in her head!) What a lack of empathy when it's not you who is affected! How did it get to this point?
And I was surprised at the silence of his friends... who only responded (one of the two) a few days later that what had happened in Denver was a flyover of ships... but also of birds... When you see your buddy attacking a colleague from the disclosure, that you also went on a ship belonging to the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and therefore potentially crossed paths with Thor Han Eredyon, who is a superior, he is told, even publicly, that he is going too far! That is his point of view, of course, but that he does not support it because he was there.
It was expected.
Then people confided in me about the creation of this guy's telegram group and kept an eye on what was being said: they were shocked because the same allegations are mentioned. Even more so with the interview aired in early December 2024 with Elena and me. She's been attacked. And Dani Henderson, who has been organizing conferences in the USA since 2022. After Barbara's article, I understood why she too... and my trust was broken.
Remember that cyberbullying is a crime punishable by law.
Finally, David's January 2025 article about a person in the disclosure sphere. If she is still a speaker, he is withdrawing. A big disappointment, one more person who uses the term high treason. While his guide is normally part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. So, he works with this military organization.
This observation is not made lightly; it is the accumulation of reflections and hindsight from all the whistleblowers who expose themselves publicly: the testimonies of the abductees and contactees are detailed and precise. With non-verbal behaviors that cannot be calculated, they are genuine and do not deceive about the real experience.
And normally, after having experienced conflicts, on the same ships, they should work together for the same goal, for humanity, with compassion, dignity, tolerance and respect.
Not to end up with these hidden attacks, these lies (which are ultimately self-deception) and these divisions. The ego serves the heart, works for the greater good. Not the other way around.
This is our moment in history, one that we have deserved for millennia. We have neither the desire nor the need for heroism, but more than ever the need for humility and for everyone to act from the heart. For the peace of all, in everything and everywhere.
Corinne HUET - March 9, 2025
Article de Guillaume Roux
Dans le cadre de l’article « Trouble dans la Divulgation française – Février 2025 », publié par Elena Danaan sur son site Internet, j’ai voulu apporter mon témoignage car cette « histoire et les attaques en question» sont porteuses d’un déséquilibre trop favorable à l’ombre, communément appelé l’état profond ! Je souhaite donc contribuer à remettre les pendules à l’heure pour que les nombreux témoignages relatifs à des vaisseaux de la FGM ou de l’Alliance Terrestre ne puissent pas être assimilés à des oiseaux, aussi majestueux qu’ils soient.
Exergue : « … il faut une immunité contre ce que j’ai appelé la «régression psychique». Chaque individu qui constitue [un groupe / une communauté], doit travailler à sa propre autonomie morale, intellectuelle et spirituelle. Or très peu d’individus sont aujourd’hui aptes à résister à la pression du groupe et à assumer leur solitude au nom de vertus. Que peut-on donc espérer si chacun ne se met pas au travail sur ses propres angoisses et sur ses propres zones d’ombre, à partir d’un diagnostic lucide de la situation ? »
(Ariane Bilheran1_Antipresse N°462_06/10/2024_page 13 & 14)
Avant de vous livrer mon témoignage – corroborant les observations de vaisseaux de la FGM ou de l’Alliance Terrestre réalisé au GSIC2024, bien qu’effectuées aux RG2 en France en Juillet 2024 – il me semble opportun de brièvement évoquer l’imbrication du phénomène « Ovni » avec mon histoire personnelle. Quand la problématique « Ovni » re-débarque dans ma vie au mois d'août 2023 – elle était restée présente mais discrète ces dernières années, tout en sachant son existence dans mon environnement très probable depuis mon enfance – je la récupère de manière frontale et douloureuse au chapitre abduction, là où d’ailleurs je l'avais laissé quelques années plus tôt...il s'ensuit la terreur de ma vie pendant environ 3 semaines, où je ne vais pas vraiment dormir, terrorisé de pouvoir à nouveau être abducté. Puis, heureusement qu’après ces trois semaines, grâce à [...bla/bla...je ne vais pas raconter ici toute ma relation au "phénomène" ni comment j'en suis arrivé à ne plus avoir peur], j'ai eu un profond ressenti de paix et d'amour ; ce déclic m'a permis, du jour au lendemain (au 1er sens du terme), de laisser avec plaisir mes volets ouverts la nuit venue ou de sortir avec délectation observer
les étoiles.
C’est à ce moment là (septembre 2023) que je découvre l’histoire d’Elena Danaan, ses vidéos et ses livres, etc. J’ai adhéré tout de suite à l’histoire qu’elle nous raconte, non pas temps grâce à mon mental mais beaucoup plus par résonance, vibration et intuition, grâce aussi à un certain nombres de synchronicités et d’expériences troublantes que j’ai vécue à la même période. Je découvre aussi l’existence des Rencontres Galactiques 1, à Tours, et suis déçu de les avoir loupé ; j’apprendrai quelques semaines plus tard l’organisation des RG2 près de Valence, en France ; je ne pouvais donc pas rater ce rendez-vous ! Voici à présent mon retour d’expérience, en continuum de la soirée de clôture des Rencontres Galactiques 2_1ère session (dimanche 07 juillet 2024).
«❤️ Leur dessin sur un tableau noir à courbure céleste, et incrusté d’étoiles ❤️
Ils sont bien là ; et c’est tellement rassurant d’avoir des signes tangibles."
Cela se passe dans le contexte de la soirée de clôture des RG2 où Elena Danaan explique, juste avant de retransmettre le message de Thor Han, que 2 vaisseaux de la FGM sont à la verticale de Valsoyo et qu’elle ne sait pas si ils vont se rendre visible (« se decloaker » est plus exactement le terme qu’elle emploie et que j’entends pour la 1ère fois). Au retour au camping où je logeais, à 3km de là, je vais vivre une après-soirée extraordinaire ; l’expérience que je m’apprête à vous retranscrire reste toujours très singulière pour moi à ce jour. C’est une expérience qui, sans preuves visuelles photographiques, vous sera peut être difficile à vous représenter, mais je vais essayer de vous la restituer au plus juste, simplement avec les mots. Je reformule donc ci-dessous les notes que j’ai prise le soir même vers minuit et demi, juste après l’expérience. Notule: mes expériences d’observation de points lumineux dans le ciel débutent le 7 mars 2001 où – en haute montagne en début d’après midi – je vois jusqu’à 9 points lumineux dans un ciel bleu azur sans nuages, ayant une position fixe et une intensité variable (ils clignotent et ressemblent à des étoiles).
J’arrive au camping vers 23h15, je met les cales et me prépare pour la nuit. N’ayant rien vu jusque là lors de la soirée à Valsoyo, je sorts du Van vers 23h30 – ciel limpide et très pur, la voie lactée est bien visible – et moins de 5 secondes plus tard j’observe un 1er « point lumineux/vaisseau? » puis un 2ème dans un autre coin du ciel, attiré pour ces 2 premières observations par ce qui semble être une étoile filante ; le bal des « points lumineux/vaisseaux? » commence et cette après-soirée est une fête ; successivement, l’un à la suite de l’autre, j’en compterai jusqu’à 7 ; oui oui, je les compte ! Là, je me dis que le chiffre 7 est un chiffre cosmique/magique...et que le festival va s’arrêter ; et bien oui, le ballet des « points lumineux/vaisseaux ? » s’arrête. Mais ce n’est que l’entracte ; d’ailleurs, un oiseau de nuit (chouette, hibou?) sorti de nulle part, viendra survoler le Van dans un axe longitudinal digne d’un avion de chasse et faire un « touch and go » sur la partie centrale du toit; était-ce un signe supplémentaire ? La présence de cet oiseau nocturne – majestueux et survolant le Van dans cette configuration – est non seulement d’une pure beauté mais reste pour le moins surréaliste (au 1er sens du terme). Suite à cette petite pause, le spectacle reprend. Le 8ème ne sera pas un « point lumineux/vaisseau? » comme les précédents et c’est la première fois que je vois cela : le « point lumineux/vaisseau? » semble beaucoup plus bas, puisque sa taille apparente est proche d’une orange voire d’un CD tenu à bout de bras (je ne sais plus trop mais – par rapport aux points lumineux vus plus tôt qui sont d’une taille proches des étoiles – c’est gros) ; il est aussi plus lent que tous les autres ; et puis sa couleur qui varie du blanc au jaune en passant par l’orangée émet des vibrations ou des pulsations visuelles...comme si il était vivant ! Puis, le rythme du spectacle change puisque je vois à nouveau des « point lumineux/vaisseaux? » à l’altitude habituelle, mais là ils sont 3 en même temps, dans la même partie du ciel et navigant dans des directions différentes – et cela, c’est la 1ère fois que je le vois aussi ; la scène suivante est quasiment identique ; j’en suis donc à 14 observations de « points lumineux/vaisseaux ? » ; je commence à avoir froid mais, happé par ce spectacle magique, je reste encore un peu dehors et j’en verrai un 15ème puis un 16ème ; ce seront les derniers pour ce soir, il est
minuit dix sept.
Bilan & remarques :
~ Tous ces « points lumineux/vaisseaux ? » auront tous été :
>visibles très longtemps car leur forte intensité lumineuse était atypique (rien à voir avec la lumière d’un satellite ou de l’ISS) ;
> comme détachés de la voûte céleste (rien à voir avec l’altitude d’un satellite ou celle de l’ISS);
> très lents et avec des trajectoires courbes.
~ A cela s’ajoute la taille inhabituelle des 2 « étoiles filantes » – en ce qui concerne la largeur et la longueur du trait – ainsi que leur rémanence exceptionnelle, comme si elles restaient incrustées dans le ciel, un peu à l’image d’un dessin animé !
~ La durée des observations est rare – 45 mn – dans le sens où elles sont ininterrompues dès ma sortie du Van, sans notable interruption entre chaque observation, même lors de l’entracte avec ce vol féerique d’un oiseau nocturne.
~ Je vais être chamboulé tout au long de cette expérience (et même le lendemain matin où je ne penserai même pas à en parler aux autres personnes du camping, présentes aussi aux RG2. Je suis seul me semble t-il – en tout cas au camping – à faire ces observations. Mon corps et mon esprit ont vibré. Je n’en crois pas mes yeux. Et aussi, chose plutôt surprenante, le fond de mal de tête que j’ai eu toute la journée disparaît !
~ Je ne serai pas endormi avant 2h00 du matin. »
Je tiens à préciser que même si je souhaite me positionner en tant qu’observateur lambda, tel n’est finalement pas le cas car mon expérience professionnelle de pilote de ligne m’apporte une certaine expertise du ciel.
1 Normalienne, philosophe, psychologue clinicienne, docteur en psychopathologie. Expert et conférencière, Ariane Bilheran est auteur de nombreux livres en philosophie, psychologie, développement personnel, littérature adulte et infantile. https://www.arianebilheran.com/
Ingrid Byttebier
Bonjour Elena, Je vous remercie de tout cœur pour votre dévouement et votre force à travers toutes ces épreuves, et cela grâce à tout l'amour que vous portez à l'humanité. Ces derniers comportements dans la divulgation sont très tristes. Je suivais Jean-Charles, David et j'ai été très émotive jusqu'aux larmes lors du récit de Mélanie aux Rencontres à Tours. Mais sans comprendre pourquoi car je n'ai aucun vécu ou expérience avec le monde invisible ou caché, ma confiance s'est toujours portée vers vous et n'a à aucun moment été remise en question. Vos informations, vos preuves sont précieuses sur mon chemin. Un remerciement particulier à votre sœur Stefzak pour ses magnifiques créations, ainsi qu'à Corinne et son équipe pour le suivi et les traductions qui nous aident à recevoir les informations précises. Avec tout mon amour de petite terrienne 💖✨