Star system: Meissa (Constellation Orion)
Planet: Daria
Race: Egaroth
Height: 7 Ft
Skin: copper brown
Hair: none
Eyes: clear blue pupils on dark indigo fill
Position: Councilor at the Council of Alnilam
(formerly Council Of Five)

ANNAX was born on planet Daria, in the Meissa star system, upper part of the Orion constellation as we see it from Earth. He is an Egaroth, which is a unique species. They are hermaphrodites who can chose a gender at puberty, and Annax chose to be male. He has a female partner whose name is Sheyy. The Egaroth culture is also present in the Alnilam star system, central star of the Orion belt, and this is the place where the illustrious Council of Five has its headquarters. Founded by the Grus Elmanuk, and formerly known as the Orion Council of Nine, this organization was created to look after the populations of this galactic district. When the Nebu Empire rose and the Great Orion Wars burst out, the Council of Nine endured severe damage and was reduced to five member cultures: the Egaroth, Redan, Orela, Emerther, Ginvo. It became then known as the Council of Five.
After the Nebu hive was taken down in 2022, ancient members reintegrated the Council, six then seven, and regarding the growing status, it was decided that this organization would be renamed the Council of Zaggarah (Alnilam), which was the original name at its creation.
I am delighted to know that Annax is a member of this council, representing the Egaroth culture since the Great Orion Wars.

The Zaggarah Star System
Alnilam, Zaggarah III and the siege of the Council of Zaggarah

Annax mate
These transmissions are not channellings but communication via technology or physical encounters.
December 9 2024
Greetings in love and in the radiance of the Primordial Light to all souls who have chosen to incarnate on the planet Terra at this time. My report, which is based on the expertise of the Council of Zaggarah, regarding the space cargo found in the time distortion enclave outside the Uruanna Nebula Vortex, is as follows:
There is no danger to the galactic plane of Nataru and all its existences if we keep these cargo ships out of our reach. They must strictly and absolutely remain enclaved within this distortion bubble. To move them would be a great tragedy. And we of the Zaggarah Council do not want that to happen. Our primary duty is to protect the lives of those we care for, all beings who trust in our wisdom to keep them out of harm's way. Therefore, we will resist any order to bring back even the smallest particle of matter from that place. The Nebu left us a poisoned gift, and if the Kiily Tokurt, formerly allied with them, had not warned us of the potential traps, we might have done the irreparable. But here it is, and the situation is as it is: Nothing will be taken out of the distortion anomaly.
You asked about the fate of the many hybrid bodies in stasis. We will not answer on behalf of the Zaggarah Council. The United Nataru Alliance, which includes all of us in our totality, must speak. However, one fact shall be known: it has been discovered that the mass-produced hybrid bodies are not repositories of either organic or plasmic soul consciousness. They are empty bodies interfaced with artificial intelligence, ready to invade a world at the command of the Nebu Queen. Which, as you may know, is know more in existence. We shall not retrieve the Avatar bodies, whose basic life functions are maintained by a bio-gel. Whatever is decided will be in favor of the safety of the inhabitants of our dear Nataru. That decision will be made in due time.
We, as conscious sentient beings, must preserve and protect all life as our own siblings from external threats. This duty is first and foremost.
Love leads the way.
~I am Annax, speaking for the Council of Alnilam.~
March 11 2024
The Uru An Na Nebula, that spreads from 1344 to 1500 light years away from Terra, where you live, is a giant gas ejection from an early supermassive star. This explosion created a very rare vortex that permits time entanglement. Now, young star systems have been naturally forming from this gigantic medium, but artificial alteration was performed by the Nebu Eban in the past. For instance, the Kaaba, that you call the Trapezium Cluster, and which is near the center point of the Nebula, generates a range of light radiations that on Terra you name “Ultraviolet light”. These Ultraviolet light emissions have been pushing the gases away, disrupting the formation of new star systems inside of the Nebula. The Nebu mingled with the laws of nature without any ethics. The Ultraviolet light was an engineering operation of the Nebu; these races thrived on Ultraviolet light.
What we found, inside of the now deserted cluster, are notably binary pairs of artificial gas planets, a considerable number of them. These were artificial facilities as I detailed to you already. The Alnilam Council has now taken back ownership of that zone, for restoration of its natural heritage and the repair of everything that was disturbed. Of course, the Vortex at its center is a neutral zone, but the council protects its access for safety measures. The Anakhim scientists, who are working with us, have put an emphasis on keeping this important vortex safe. Not mentioning as well the GFW’s encouragements in this task and duty. There is a war raging in this galaxy, against an old enemy, the Ciakahrr. They are trying to communicate outside to receive assistance, but the Galactic Alliance is scanning all the interdimensional access points to Nataru and at this moment in time, no one is coming in, and no one is going out either. This is very strict!
The Kaaba, or the central trapezium star cluster, which in reality is a cube, used to shelter the Nebu hive super-queen. When she was dismantled, because she was deeply embedded into the morphogenic structure of the area, a great imbalance occurred and since then, we have been eagerly working at repairing it. This place is of all beauty, and it shall be restored to its full potential.
The star Betelgeuse and its planetary system are now stabilized, so we can direct our efforts towards the cluster. There are many other things, that we discovered there, such as power supply superstructures floating in space, huge deserted spaceports with fleets still docked, hidden in the Nebula’s gas clouds, artificial planets, and an interesting cube inside of the Kaaba cluster itself, that was the access to the hive super-queen. I shall take you there, one day, when the opportunity befalls. And I know, we know all, here, that there are still many new discoveries on the way, hidden in the veils of the nebula.
~I am Annax, speaking for the Council of Alnilam.~
Dec 04 2024
Well today we have made a satisfying arrangement with the Anakh Empire to refurbish the whole area with support technologies. Since the demise of the Nebu, the Anakhim have showed great support. This is due to different factors. First, the Uru an Na zone is no longer opposing the neighboring kingdoms as a threat and peace now prevails in this area. In consequence, the Alliance of the Six, created by the former Nebu, was dissolved and the Ciakahrr went back to their original home-worlds in the Thuban stars. Without the support of the Nebu, the Ciakahrr decided to no longer have interest in the Uru an Na zone. And thirdly, the regressive faction of Anakhim reptilians followers of Yuh, who were based on Earth, was also neutralized. Emperor Anu has now liberty of action without breaking any treaty or starting a war. We are, here, moving towards an abundant era of peace and prosperity.
Nov 20 2023
Dear Humans of Terra, Egaroth Councilor Annax here speaking. We have been watching over your civilizations for thousands of years, nurturing great hope in our hearts as we celebrated the tremendous potential encoded into the genetics of the bodies you occupied, bloodline after bloodline, incarnation after incarnation. You are now close to the time when your liberation has come and you activate this tremendous potential, that laid dormant within the very bodies you have occupied, during all this time. The dark minded beings who controlled the human elites on your planet were removed very recently, but you still need to fight your own dark ones; they are humans. Some are human hybrids with souls as somber as the darkest night in this universe. These are not allotted with compassion, groomed since their youngest age in secret societies to become perfectly insensitive to all life-forms’ suffering. Even their own. Their state of being is beyond healing, for there is nothing to heal in an empty soul. They roam the ground of this planet like aimless ghosts, trying their very best to distract you from what is important. They do not have any power than the power of mind, that nurtures their energy and allow their actions. Wake up. Time has come to stop fearing the shadows. Instead, embrace the light that is ahead of you: a future perfectly embraced in the glowing heart of humanity. All is well in the wider vision of time. All is well.
You will pass this critical evolution threshold with brilliance and success. We know it, because we see it. Humans of Terra, it is time you rise from your cradle and sail the winds of the universe.
~I am Annax, from the Zaggarah Council. You are loved. You are not alone.~