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Copyright All rights reserved: Elena Danaan

Star system: Altea (Galaxy NGC 7331)
Planet: Emerya
Race: Altean
Height: 6.5 Ft
Skin: fair. High cheek bones.
Hair: white, long
Eyes: crystalline blue
Position: Coron is a future incarnation of Thor Han as his Altean self, coming back from a far future to assist in the present times. He has been pretending to be a Dakooru from the Taygeta system, until the truth on his identity could be revealed. He is 6th density, not 9th, which doesn't interfere with Thor Han's physicality, which is 5th density.

Habitat on Emerya, Coron's homeworld.

The star Altea

Aldeerant - NGC7331 - Coron's galaxy.
These transmissions are not channellings but communication via technology or physical encounters
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