Jen Han Eredyon
Correspondence from Mars
Copyright All rights reserved: Elena Danaan
Jen Han Eredyon is Thor Han's younger brother and an Errahel from the Ashaara system in the Manahu cluster- Pleiades. He has been studying "starmaking", or as we would say on Terra: "terraforming", in a university in the Pleiades, before he was hired on Mars in one of the Alpha Centaurian new colonies. In the process of our work with Dan Willis on getting from Jen Han information on crystal technologies, I started to exchange interesting conversations with Jen Han, which I will share here.
JULY 31 2023
DAN WILLIS: I hear you are doing your first terraforming assignment on Mars where you now get to use all your knowledge. How rewarding that must be to see the planet transform!
JEN HAN : I was just talking about this to Elena, here on Tyr it’s tough. My first job is not what I expected; I am allocated to the observation and regulation of the micro-organisms that grow on the inner shell of the biodome where I am assigned to. That’s not exciting. Here on Mars, because the Selosi brought their own ecosystems, it can at any moment disbalance the perchloric acidity of the ground and cause harm. These micro-organisms produce lithium perchlorate, and at a specific temperature, they generate oxygen, so they release theses microbes extremely carefully, not to shock Tyr’s ecosystem. You don’t see it but there is an ecosystem on Tyr. I would have never allowed these colonies to come and settle here; Tyr is a fragile planet still. Its biosphere was ripped off in the past and it had remained unstable since. Most life forms here have been living underground. There is so much work to do here, and I am only preoccupied with the terraforming operations. The diplomatic and political interactions between all these different groups, the Selosi, the Meton, the Terran military, the Terran colonists, the Tyruu reptilians, the Insectoid clans, and these others arriving soon. In a way, I am tranquil with my microbes crawling under Dome 65T. How can I help you my Terran friend? Hey I can communicate now directly with Elena, they said they are trusting me now!
ELENA : I have only the sound, can you hear me?
JEN HAN : I can hear you, wait I will switch the visual on.
ELENA : How do you do that? Do you do it with the implant or using technology?
JEN HAN : Technology. Wait, right, can you see me?
ELENA : Yes! What’s the brown stains on your face?
JEN HAN : Oh I was outside, strong winds here, it lifts the soil in dirt storms.
ELENA : Do you mean… that you can breathe outside?
JEN HAN : Yes, we can when the winds are here. There are areas on Tyr where you can breathe. We are moving the atmosphere, creating currents in it, but not too brutal; by stages.
ELENA : Yesterday you couldn’t take the communication with me because you were in a horrendous and violent storm, but you were wearing an environmental suit.
JEN HAN : That was for the dirt. You can’t breathe in a powerful dirt storm, only you can breathe when the wind is from sublayers of the atmosphere; it moves the breathable air without the dirt; then you can.
ELENA : Ok thank you. I will still have to interview you on absolutely everything you are doing on Mars.
NOVEMBER 07 2023
JH: I have watched the recorded transmission of the presentation in your symposium, that my brother transmitted to me. It was good, excellent, and I am so proud of all the team, all of them who worked on this project, even those who weren’t present. I have been made aware of the discrepancies of opinions within the team, and the splitting to compare different methodologies. In the end, it worked out well and you made your first Phryll generator, congratulations!
E: I never told you all these details, who did?
JH: Thor Han, of course.
E: He always knows more than he pretends.
JH: He spies on you and your communications sometimes (laughs)
E: How are you Jen Han?
JH: Oh great, I have been upgraded!
E: Oh brilliant! Congratulations in turn, to you! What happened? Are you still in that Selosi experimental biodome?
JH: No, guess where, Aries Prime!
E: Aries Prime? Woahh what are you doing there?
JH: Well it is more interesting now for me, they are teaching me about different types of environmental change operations, I am working as one of the assistants to great scientists. Some scientists are from Terra. Working on the atmospheric domain, operating on the air masses’ movements. Everything here is so slow; this planet is full of life already and all changes need to be made finely, in accordance with the requirements of the local life forms.
E: You said some scientists are from Terra?
JH: It’s a mixed team.
E: What nationality on Terra?
JH: Ehm Russian and American.
E: How many of them?
JH: Six.
NOVEMBER 20 2023
JH: The terraforming operations on planet Tyr, known as Mars, have now reached a significant threshold as the lower layers of atmosphere on the planet have increased levels in oxygen and nitrogen. The multicellular life present in the subsurface layers of the circumpolar regions have significantly developed, displaying feeble but visible changes. The micro-organisms imported from Alpha Centauri able to produce extraordinary amounts of lithium perchlorate helped generating the necessary oxygen, in an organic and slow process. It is here not about terraforming a planet in order to import new life-forms, but about re-forming a planets’ ancient atmosphere, that was destroyed by a cataclysmic event, in order for the local life-forms to have a new chance of thriving and their restored environment. Holographic technologies identical to those implemented in medical beds are employed to interface the lattice of the current Mars atmosphere to a moment in the past when this atmosphere was intact and best suited for the development of life. By time quantum interface, the ancient, original, holographic atmospheric lattice re-pairs the current one. One could describe it best as a healing of the planet rather than a modification. This will make it easier for Earth future colons to settle on Mars, where the Space-X company has already acquired territories from the Earth Alliance. Only companies approved by the Earth Alliance as working in favor of Humanity in the respect of all local life and environmental conditions, are given clearance to build colonies. As another significant requirement, these companies will have to work in close collaboration with the local Tyruu government, now in charge of the management of their own planet with the guidance and protection of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.