
First drawing of Myrah in 1983

Accurate portrait of Myrah, 2020
Star system: Thula (Sirius B)
Planet: Nyan
Race: T-Ashkeru
Height: 5.5 F
Skin: Fair, triangular face, high cheek bones.
Hair: Blond, straight
Eyes: Green, large
Position: Biotechnological Research Officer at the Medical Center in Nyan's capital, Ushu-ri District.
Myrah's relatives

Exobotanist & microcellular life engineer



Transcripts of communications
Myrah is originally from planet Nyan, in the Sirius B star system, and she spent several decades working in the Sol system, for the Galactic Federation of Worlds’ medical corps, serving through different programs. She started as a ship medic under the commandment of captain – at the time- Thor Han Eredyon. I related the experience of my rescue by her team, as a child, in 2020 in my first book “A Gift From The Stars”. This rescue was the moment when I renewed contact with Thor Han in this life, and when I also met for the first time Myrah, and the pilots Val Nek and Celadion. Myrah worked later on aboard one of the four orbital stations of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, as she became a medical officer. There, she worked in the field of biotechnology research, qualifying as a neuro-implants expert. When the rescue operation of the hybrids from the Earth undergrounds was complete, in 2022, Myrah moved back to her homeworld Nyan in the Sirius B star system, with her family and the little Gaia, her adopted hybrid daughter.
July 29 2024
I am Myrah, Biotechnological Research Officer at the Medical Center in Nyan's capital, Ushu-ri District. I have been working a lot on the case of the hybrid children of the Do, or Grays as you call them. We call them "Do-Hu" as they have a double genome. There is a fundamental difference between three types of hybrid children that you must be aware of.
Firstly, the regular, common hybrid beings, the result of galactic and intergalactic interbreeding, such as the human races of Earth. These offspring are natural occurrences in the evolution of life throughout space and time. But we will not talk about this case. What you are interested in are the other two categories, as follows:
Second category: The hybrids that resulted from the Nebu agenda of invading worlds by breeding in, albeit through illegal hybridization programs. Earth was the victim of these despicable plans, and the problem was overcome when the Nebu hive was dismantled. The people of Earth fought bravely, especially the Earth Alliance personnel involved in the rescue operations, working in conjunction with the Nataru Alliance. Brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for the lives of those hybrids. Because it wasn't just children, there were adults and creatures of all ages. These mass hybridizations took place in the underground facilities given to the Nebu and their Alliance of Six by the Earth governments, who agreed to it as a result of deception. Now, the storm operations of the Earth Alliance rescued most of the hybrids, products of these horrible genetic manipulations. They are the ones you saw on the medical ship a few years ago when I introduced you to my adopted daughter, Gaia. I will elaborate later on the process of recovery for these hybrids and the programs we have in place to reintegrate them into society.
The third category is those we couldn't save. Because we could not find them in the first place. They are the same product of hybridization as category 2, except they weren't stored on Earth, so they couldn't be saved. These were stored in containment facilities in the Orion Zone. We have found many of them, but we are aware that many hybrids are missing. We do not know where they are, disappeared. The only answer is that they were transported to a parallel dimension in a time bubble. These hybrids were used by the Nebu to influence the free will of Earthlings by serving them deception. For example, the Nebu would bind breeding human mothers to their children and then take the children away from them. As such, these mothers would try to convince everyone to welcome the hybrids to Earth, that they were beginning a colonization plan. To convince these manipulated mothers, they would use the good old lie that they were the Earthlings from the future and needed human DNA to replenish their genetic pool. Of course, this was a lie, it always has been, and the Nebu served the same lie on all the worlds they assimilated in this cunning manner. Non treated, these hybrids were interfaced with the Nebu hive queen. That is the first thing we do when we rescue them: we remove the interface.
Since the Nebu could not invade Earth by force and risk starting a war with the Galactic Alliance, they instead convinced the Earthlings to agree of their own free will to welcome them to their planet. The GFW tried to warn everyone, but the deception was greater. And the rest of the story, you know well. This is the difference between Category 2 and Category 3 hybrids. They are all the product of similar programs, but their fates differ. If we could have saved them all, we would have. At least we tried. And we did our best. Now let me give you some information about what became of them and how they were treated.
First, how they were treated. The rescue teams always include qualified female psychologists, who are the first, after the soldiers, to take care of them and interact with them. These females are most of the time Earth humans, as the DNA resonance helps the hybrids to relate somehow and feel safer in the presence of a being that is not a complete stranger to them. The female aspect echoes as a mother and the young ones feel safe. After being received by the team of medical psychologists, the hybrid children were taken into the care of the genetics department, where they were placed in lethargy in a first series of pods filled with a nutritive and regenerative liquid. Here, their brain implants connecting them to the hive-consciousness were removed. Once disconnected, we could proceed with analysis scans to determine their exact genome sequence. As far as was feasible, we reduced the Nebu DNA quota to the limit before damaging their metabolism.
The hybrids were then placed in a second series of pods, to regenerate deficient organs and boost the entire organism. They remained in these pods for a day or two. Phase three consisted of psychological follow-up. Believe me, this part wasn't the easiest...
They were finally taken out of the pods and helped to evolve among the station's staff, step by step and very gradually. Most were telepathic, but some could use their vocal cords. It was a huge job for us, really. But the reward was really, really worth it. One thing I discovered with intense emotion, and which changed my life, is that love... sooner or later, reveals itself as a latent state in every sentient being. These hybrids began to love… to love us, and all that love was larger than the galaxies. I'll never forget it. I adopted one of them…