
Star system: Altea (in galaxy NGC 7331 Pegasus)
Planet: Emerya
Race: Altean
Height: 9 Ft
Skin: fair. High cheek bones.
Hair: creamy-white, very long.
Eyes: very slanted, clear blue
Position: Emissary for the Altean delegation of the Seeders, a cell of scientists from the Intergalactic Confederation, she also reports from the Pa-Taal Council. Her real name is not audible for human ears; "Oona" means "The one who comes forward", or in other word: "emissary".
Oona is a member of my soul cluster, or soul family, and her partner and twin-flame is Tayel, Admiral of the Altean fleet in our solar system.

CLIP ABOVE: On June 6, 2024, in an interview of US army whistleblower "JP" by Dr. Michael Salla on the YouTube channel "Exopolitics" (Link here for the complete video) Oona intervened by speaking through and she clearly says: "It's your Frequency". Oona was referring to JP's DNA frequency able to open gateways and allow him to physically pass through. JP was testifying of his visit to a biodome where he could see species of plants not found on Earth nowadays. This was not the first time he was taken to visit such a type of biodome, notably some belonging to the Seeders from the Intergalactic Confederation (more details in Dr.Salla's book series on JP). As an Altean, Oona is an expert in the science of frequencies, base for their language and technology.
Transcripts of communications
The name by which you know me, Oona, means “The One Who Comes Forward”.
You can translate it as “Emissary”, as it identifies my function for the Intergalactic Confederation’s armada visiting your star system.
As a matter of fact, you could not pronounce my real name.
Feb 10 2025
Greetings to all earthlings listening to this message. My voice will lead you to the comments of my people on the latest developments of the global situation on your planet as a civilization rising from the ashes of a terrible war of liberation. Despite the trials and the incredible challenges, you have come forward as a victorious society. Nevertheless, many challenges lie ahead. In order to transform a society by its own efforts, it is necessary to eradicate all elements of negative control, as well as related institutions and collateral effects. Countless deals have been conducted by the shadow societies on your planet, whose organizational chart was drawn up by the dark side of an Anakh faction since the foundations of your contemporary history. I call them the descendants of Yuh. Of course, they enslaved the populations, without the people concerned even realizing it. This slavery was not physical but of the mind. They stole your sovereignty, your intergalactic and interstellar identity, making you believe that the reason for your existence, and therefore the nature of consciousness, was formatted to suit a state of survival established by the masters. You didn't even know that there were masters controlling your lives and insinuating themselves into your innermost thoughts, since you weren't even aware that you were slaves.
The first step in initiating this great planetary liberation was to open your eyes, to wake up. And we were there to help. Long before our return to your star system in 2021, the Galactic Federation of Worlds was already fighting alongside your armies, in secret. Why the secrecy? Because it was the only way to circumvent the pernicious plans of the shadows. Yuh's faction was so deeply rooted in all aspects of your societies that forceful action would have been disastrous. As it was, the only plan was to rouse the population while the armies clashed. And we succeeded, all together. There is nothing more wonderful than witnessing the liberation of a people from the tyranny of the shadows. I would, however, like to add a few important remarks. If the shadow has failed, its dying army is still active on the battlefield; these people know no meaning of retreat. They will fight to the bitter end, until the last of them breathes. So you must all remain on your guard while singing of freedom. Although their power is waning, their deplorable actions are still active. Be careful and stay protected. One area in which they are still effective is dark magic. They are still able to cast spells. But I'll give you the key to warding off these final-resort attacks.
Keep your vibration high by eradicating these elements from your vibratory fields:
-Anger and feelings of revenge
-Negative judgment leading to divisive actions
-Low self-esteem
-Addiction to artificial pleasures
-Poisons in your nutrition
On the contrary, privilege:
-Self-esteem and recognition of your sovereignty as universal co-creators
-Focus on your potential to manifest and build the future you desire
-A healthy life on all levels.
If you follow all these instructions, the shadow will have no effect on you. They will eventually be gone. To ward off their spells, set forth to rediscover the original soul seed at the heart of your eternal being, which has been beating in your chest for millions of years of your time, and magnify its power to encompass you totally, physically and mentally. And say these words:
I, eternal child of the Creator, reject all intrusive shadows from my physical, vibratory and mental field.
By the omnipotent power of the Universal Creator,
I radiate the Light of Creative Love.
If you say these words 9 times, you will overcome their magic, no matter how powerful as it may be. Faced with the power of the Creator's love, all thoughts that manifest themselves in the shadows fade into nothingness.
You know me as the one who comes forward, Oona.
Aug 26 2024
Salutations to all, my dear friends from Earth. I am pleased to give you a message and communicate with you about certain topics that were suggested to me by my soul group member whom you know under the name Elena. The topics suggested are: the evolution of the meetings in Antarctica at Earth date December 2021, the developments of the galactic war of the United Galactic Alliance against the Ciakahrr Empire, and a suggestion of other topics that could be of interest to you. Not always because it is about drama, but sometimes also because it must be about pleasant matters. Life is not only about drama and struggles. Life, and Evolution, may be sometimes, and I may say very often, about pleasure and pleasant news. Therefore, I will share this with you.
A lot of consequent changes are happening right now on your planet. The masses are awakening to the harsh reality of their lives, in a necessary process that has started many Earth years ago, when we weren’t yet back in your star system. The Galactic Federation of Worlds began this project of cooperation with the leaders of your governments who were on the side of Humanity’s greater good. Technology was shared that helped you building your defenses. Sometimes, you need a remedy to boost an immune system when a very harmful disease has taken the body, knowing that the remedy is not the cure but only here to support the natural defenses of the body. That is what the GFW’s cooperation has been about: sharing with you the technology that would allow you to build, by yourself, a defense system of which Solar Warden as you know, is only a flag project to the complete secret program of cooperation and disclosure.
I am here to tell you, to confirm to you, that these long efforts have been successful. Your star system was freed in Earth common years 2021 and 2022, from the liberation of your moon Luna, Tyr and its two small moon facilities, the asteroid belt, and the planet you call Saturn, more recently.
You asked me about the evolution from the meetings in the continent Antarctica, that occurred in December 2021. Well you know, the way it happened, was disappointing but not surprising. These people have everything to loose. We offered them a way out if they would give up their malevolent endeavors and give us the keys of their global, tyrannical monetary system. In this meeting, they were frightened of us. We are taller beings by nature and our authority intimidates them. Nonetheless, they didn’t bend. And we were eventually prepared that this would take this turn. Because we work accordingly to the greater laws of evolution, we presented them with a choice, as we always do, all of us who respect these laws and abide by them. They would be given a way out from this planet to a prison world, where they would be incarcerated owning nothing, but would live their lives to the full, in counterpart of surrendering to us the keys of the wicked monetary systems they implemented, that we could dismantle it and set free humanity from this carcan. If they refused and didn’t take the deal with the opportunity, they would be left on their own on Earth, at the mercy of the people of Earth waking up from a long lethargy. We told them that the very people they enslaved would be their final executioners. They took the chance, they refused. Since then, they blew their only chance to escape the horrible, deserved fate, and they know it well. They chose to implement all their last, desperate agendas in a final blast in an attempt to destroy humanity and cause as much damage as they could, before they are judged by the justice of Earth. They have chosen, so they will be.
For you see, this clever disclosure plan of the true reality of Earth’s living conditions and former tyrannical systems and organizations, has stirred a formidable awakening of Earth’s population. When you are shown the lies, trust is broken. When you are shown the light, the dark is broken.
More and more, people of Earth will wake up, thanks to the disclosure plan of the Earth Alliance, and take the arms of rebellion against those who enslaved them for a little more than two millennia. This is the future of Earth in its natural evolution restored. The road to the truth will be bumpy and chaotic, shocking at times, probably deeply upsetting, but these revelations will be necessary.
Time is fluctuant. It is not linear. When we give you dates it is because you are asking. But these dates move, as the flow of evolution fluctuates. Understand: the flow of evolution is not linear, it is a spiral. Brace yourselves people of Earth, great changes are coming and it has already begun. Open your eyes, and see. Open your mouths, and speak. Open your hearts, and unite. In love for each other and acceptance of each other. You may understand when I say in your own cultural reference that soon, the wind will blow the ashes away.
On a galactic level, that war defeating the Ciakahrr Empire is a success, for it is done in the right way according to the cosmic laws of evolution; worlds, one after the other, are awakening and taking up arms, supported by the new United Galactic Alliance, composed of the Galactic Alliance of Nataru and the Anakh Empire of Anu.
We work with the heir of the Anakh Empire, Ea son of Anu. We came back into your star system together, moved by the same call. And we have been working together since, in the blessing of The Nine.
Worlds are awakening from tyranny through the whole Nataru galaxy, and the spark ignited here, in this star system. So be proud, be very proud people of Earth, for the times that are coming are the times of a golden peace where more civilizations will rejoice and meet each other, exchange cultural, spiritual and technological knowledge, and you will see, we will be here as well. The very fact that your planet is moving into a higher frequency, will allow you all to see us better and meet us in a similar physicality with a lesser help from technology. The radiant Nataru galaxy is of a 5th density average on the scale of this universe. As it is not in other universes. Once you reach this average level of frequency, you are here with us all. It has already happened. You will learn, what space is and what our vessels are made of.
On a pleasant level, more worlds, more free cultures, are joining the GFW, and soon you will as well on an official move. We are here, with you, holding your hand in this transition. We came back for this. We are very proud to see how you evolved, how you woke up from a nightmare that held your minds riveted to the floor of a prison, face looking down. Incredibly, you managed to break your chains and stand up! We would have never missed that moment for all the jewels of the universe.
I am here standing, and watching what is happening right now on Earth, as the swamp, as you call it, displays its worst monsters at the surface, that you can see that they were there, and slaughter them with your indifference and superiority of spirit. It is by walking away from the monsters, taking your attention away from them, the only food they eat, that they die from hunger. To speak in your cultural terms, leave the sword bearers finish the work.
I am Oona, the one who comes forward and speaks on behalf of the intergalactic star nations. May the light pave your way, and love always guide your thoughts, your words and your actions.
Be well.
July 2 2024
A certain quality of quartz crystals, of pristine high purity, animated by its own consciousness, vibrates not only on the lattice of space, but also on the lattice of time. The frequency rate between atoms is not a wave, but a quantum entanglement. The impulse is non-linear, there is no lineal exchange of information. That is why quartz is a transponder by nature. It connects points on the grid of space, but also points in time. Your science will soon discover this. Quartz is the highest state of solid matter before the state of light. That is why quartz can heal tissue. It doesn't reorganize matter on a molecular level, but it repairs it by transponding the injured organic tissues with the vibratory key of a previous state before the alteration was made. It reorganizes dissonance with a resonant template. The entanglement is done by the intention of the healer, unless the crystal's own consciousness is trained to do it automatically.
June 24 2024
I was away for a short time, back in my home galaxy of Aldeeran. There was a meeting of the Aldeeran branch of the Intergalactic Confederation Council. We were gathered to oversee the development of our mission to seed worlds that have been decimated by natural or external causes. I am a member of the group of geneticists and terraformers known to you as "The Seeders". There will come a day when Earthlings will be educated in this science of life-engineering, and they will see that genetics and terraforming, at the level required for such a task, are a single discipline. The ways of attaching consciousness to a body is exactly the same process as creating an electro-magnetosphere for a world. The same techniques and technologies are used. We may seem very advanced in these sciences to earthlings, and our knowledge may sound cryptic at times, but we are closer to the Source of all things than they can imagine. We have developed technology paired with consciousness, not with implants or devices put into our bodies, but with the expansion of our consciousness' interaction field. Not in a notion of space but on multidimensional levels. The technologies we have developed have morphed from synthetic to organic. This may seem strange to many of those listening to my words, but the organic morphing of technologies, such as spaceships, is a very common development in highly evolved societies. One day you will remember that the highest technology in the universe is consciousness.
We meet physically at regular intervals, for we share our frequencies with each other, something that cannot be accomplished by holographic projection. Our meeting dealt with the overall situation of the work of the Aldeeran scientists with the Nine in the seeding of our and other galaxies. The Nine contacted us and we reported to them. They are assisting the Creator Source by being Her manifestations in her creation. And as the most advanced civilizations in this universe, we are assisting them and protecting this work. The reports were very satisfying and conclusive as a million new worlds have been secured, monitored and protected. The higher we evolve as a culture, the closer we go back to Source and the more we are getting involved with Creation. We become aware that we are the Creator, co-creating through our actions and thoughts.
It is a long way to travel back to where we were once born, as offshoots of the Creator's consciousness, experiencing evolution through her own creation in order to evolve herself.
I am Oona, the Seeders' Faction emissary to the Sol system.
June 15 2024
Be the crystal. Imagine that your body has the form and consistency of a crystal. Crystals vibrate faster than light and have consistency in every realm that light traverses. Crystals are bridges by their very nature. They are a gift to the multiverse of creation, but also the tools of the Creator. We imagine being them when we wish to heal ourselves and we begin to vibrate faster than light. It will reharmonize all of our cells to the vibration of light, and the DNA bonds that are broken will be repaired. As you know, a wound is broken tissue. To repair an injury in your flesh, you need two procedures: the first is to send out frequencies that will neutralize unwanted microbial life, such as infection. The second procedure is to mend the tissue. This is done by crystal technology or by the power of our minds. I am an Altean. I can look at a wound on my body and heal it with the simple power of my mind. For I will send very specific thoughts, with a holographic projection of the repaired area, carried on a binding brain frequency.
Using crystals that are in my head. I am human, the body you occupy is too, so you can do it as well with training but you would have first to declutter you brain organ. You call that place the pineal gland. You know much about this. Use crystals as an external tool, but not as part of an external technology, as you asked. Crystals are bridges. Even though they have a form of consciousness, they are still bridges. Make friends with one of them: that is, connect two consciousnesses. Place it on the wounded area and ask it to vibrate its frequency within the broken bonds of the affected area. Create a current with your brain waves that induce a current. Like a wind blowing from your mind.
The crystal is a bridge to Source Creator when it comes to healing. I am talking about physical healing as well as emotional healing. It bridges your consciousness to the disharmonious area through Source consciousness. This is what the creative frequency of Source does by nature, the re-harmonizing and repairing of the wounded area. Practically, with a crystal in your hand as a tool, project your holographic vision of the repair to be made into the central vortex of the crystal. It will connect to Source and bridge the creative frequency of Source in the holographic thought you imprinted in the crystal to the target. Several elements come into play:
Source is the healing frequency, your consciousness gives the impulse order. The crystal bridges your conscious thought to the target by connecting to the creative frequency of the Source. Use it like water:
Source Creator is the medicine. Your consciousness is the water that carries the medicine. The crystal is the tool that pours the medicine water onto the target. We touch the target with the top of the crystal or rotate the top of the crystal over the target. We also have the crystal chambers, remember? We can lie in there and bring anything dissonant back to its harmonic state.
April 8 2024
On April 4 2024 in the early morning, I received a communication from Altean Emissary Oona, who showed me something quite interesting and worth sharing. She gave me the visual of an old construction in the shape of a doughnut stuck on a space rock covered by mist, and she said this:
“There is actually a comet near Earth that carries an abandoned mining station that once belonged to the people of the Eight Planet, which the Earthlings call Neptune. It is a very old facility from the time when the inner ice belt, which you call the Kuiper Belt, was exploited for its natural resources such as water and minerals. After it was abandoned, the Galactic Federation of Worlds repurposed it as a scientific observation base and gave this rock an orbital impulse. You see, comets can have different origins, such as:
-The Kuiper belt, these take about 200 years to orbit the Sol star.
-The Oort Cloud, a spherical outer edge of the Sol system, and these take much longer to orbit the star, up to 250,000 years for one solar orbit.
-Or, of course, comets can come from the interstellar medium. Most of them are bound to an orbit around the Sol star, while some of them are just passing by. The comet I am drawing attention to is bound to an orbital cycle of 71.3 Earth years.
In 1953, the Galactic Federation of Worlds decided to use this secret observation outpost to monitor the whereabouts of the Nebu, who returned to this star system and began interacting with Earth governments for no good. It is ironic that this historic little rock would come back just after the GFW got rid of the Nebu, after seventy years of misery for Earth humans. As you watch Earth's moon occult the star Sol, think of this small historic rock passing near the event at 24 degrees east, and celebrate in your heart the true feeling of victory. More than a relic of the past, this comet symbolizes the cycles of time and the wheel of destiny. Everyone is talking about the eclipse, but you should look at this comet, it is a harbinger of hope and resilience and the certainty that even though we may not see a solution to our problems right now, the cycles of the universe always bring a return, an answer, a victory in time. Never lose hope. This is what comets teach us. In 2095, when this comet returns, many things will have changed for Earth. The future that you hold in your hearts and expectations will be here, settled and prosperous. This comet is a temporal bridge. May it inspire your heart to be creative.”
January 29 2024
II am Oona, Altean emissary for the Seeders. There is nowhere in the universe where life is static, frozen in time.
The Anakhim know how to play with the rules of the Cosmos but we, Alteans, are deeply committed to respect these rules. For they are natural rules by which all Creation abide. On a world newly accepted by a galactic, or intergalactic protective and inclusive structure, technological and spiritual support is given to all populations facing mass extinction.
Never we give immortality, but instead we offer an extra chance to live. An opportunity for life to thrive and to expand. When for some reason we arrive too late, we still give life a second chance by repopulating the devastated worlds.
Always, we will intervene as a last resort, when the rules of evolution will have played out to their full potential.
Then, and then only, we will intervene. There is nothing as sad as watching a treasure fade away into an eternal oblivion.
The group I am part of, known as The Seeders, keeps a genetic bank of all life in the universe. Well, as best as we can.
The Intergalactic Confederation sends explorers to the far ends of the known universe, to check out for new life,
and new missions to assist the Creator. It is true, that we also provide the worlds we visit with a few arks that will only respond to our own genetics, so that the indigenous cultures may not use these vessels for unfortunate ends.
The arks we provide are not all based on the said world, but when it is possible,
we hide them on other planets of their star system, or in high orbit. So then they cannot reach out to them.
Only the very people who built these arks can activate them and pilot them.
For example, Alteans can only pilot Altean technology, Ashai can only pilot Ashai technology,
Khregu can only pilot Khreg technology, and so on. No one can take over arks that are not of their genetic link.
In the same as the GFW does, we also provide these rescue Arks.
There will always be a crew following the cycles of incarnation of the planet, and who will stand ready at all time.
These crews never reveal their identity; they remain in the protection of the silence and discretion,
for they are highly hunted down for their genetic keys. But be reassured.
Although until only a decade ago, the future of Earth remained unstable, events have changed the face of the future.
Now, the threat of extinction was eradicated, since the Nebu hive was deactivated and destroyed, the Ciakahrr expelled and the Alliance of the Six was dismantled. There is no risk, anymore, for the populations of Earth,
and our arks will resurface from the depths of the Earth and the oceans, and descend from the sky,
for they will be offered to the people of Earth as places of teachings in all domains, when the great joining will occur.
You will call it the great global civilian contact.
We are rejoicing, for soon, we will be together.
Jan 01 2024
For many cycles of time, humans of Earth have searched for answers looking at the night sky,
wondering if they were the only ones alive in the immense universe.
Comes a time, in the evolution of a civilization, when the global minds reach out to the awareness of their true position
in the vast universe. First, they learn that the universe is infinite, that time is an infinite value,
and that the diversity of life is also of infinite value.
One day, they wake up with the certainty that they are not alone anymore,
that all that they have yearned to know all their life is in front of them.
One day, they reach out to the hand that stretches towards them, through the vastness of space.
One day, they are not alone anymore; they realize they never were, from the start.
Yes, these times have come, beautiful ones.
Despite the fact that off-worlders were always among you, in your civilizations,
hidden since the dawn of times and way before, you are about to acknowledge, publicly, this evidence.
Those who hold the keys will speak, if they haven’t yet started.
Yes, beloved ones, yes you are blessed with the love of trillion stars, and more…
What will happen from now on, is the slow, progressive but irreversible disclosure from those who hold the key of truth. Disclosure is a team work, a plan finely orchestrated by the Galactic Alliance of Nataru and your military instances.
The truth will come from intelligence cells that are part of military organizations.
It will start in the place you least expect, for we have been infiltrating the dark organizations from the start,
from the time we made official contact with the governments, after the year 1954,
and officially when Commander Ambassador Val Thor, from the second planet,
established infiltration agents who remained silent observers for decades, gathered information,
and prepared the ground for the great plan of disclosure, that would only be enabled after the off-world dark overlords would leave the planet. This truly happened when we arrived, and it saw a definitive end in the year 2022.
The last bastion of darkness was the Anakh masters atop the darkest edifice of all.
Much more truth is to come, beautiful ones, much, much more.
Yet the opponent human part of these remaining but failing dark organizations,
are fighting back with great motivation and anger, so it always causes slight delays,
but you cannot stop this bright comet to hit target: Truth.
It is coming.
I told you once that by the end of 2023 we would rejoice together, well the delays are not so saddening,
for as I insist, you cannot stop this comet. The plan is irreversible.
Open your hearts, your minds, work on the acceptance of other cultures, races, appearances and physical aspects,
for you need to be ready to embrace diversity.
In respect, fraternity, honor, and kindness.
~ Oona ~
Dec 18 2023
Dear Earthlings, this message is for you. The war that raged through your star system is now over, although you still need to fight another battle, the most important of all. This battle is the core key of the problem, for you, for your liberation. It has happened, during these last two decades, that great changes were set in place by the Galactic Alliance of Nataru. These changes bore satisfying results as the awakening, the freeing and the unlocking of human consciousness played a major role in the Earth liberation. You were meant, one day, to open your eyes and listen truly, with your heart, your mind, and realize that you had been played for a long… long time.
Now that you opened your eyes, you can see the extent of the horrors perpetrated by the dark souls who were in control of this planet, and of your lives. With knowledge will come responsibility. It will be up to you, in turn, to wake up and guide those who are still asleep. With knowledge comes responsibility. When you take in hands the destiny of your civilization and of your planet, you become custodian, of your kind and of your habitat. It is one thing to get rid of the demons who roamed the land, it is another challenge to make the land fertile again and grow abundance on it. Soon, you will need to be prepared, for the times to come may surprise you, when you realize that the management of the planet is all down to you, the population. Yes, we truly mean this. We recommend that you begin to prepare now, on how you will desire to manage your land, according to the harmony of the cosmic natural laws of evolution. In the respect of your environment. Will you be ready to take over millennia of plundering of your natural resources by the Deep State? Yes, you will, Earthlings. You will.
To take over a disastrous management, you need first to repair, to clear, to cleanse, and to re-think the whole system, make a new one. No more killing of other life-forms, let nature re-equilibrate itself. Nature doesn’t need you to perform so. Be prepared, be ready, to come up with new solutions that are clean and harmless. And most of all: respectful. The free energy technology patents will be released and also new ones, many new technologies, will be shared, from us, to you. In ecology, farming, nutrition and medical department. We will help you rebuild your world, your society, but first you must do the clearing, in all domains and on all levels.
And when the land is ready, when the planet is free and safe, we will be here.
The Pa-Taal Council.