The Builders
These transmissions are not channeling but the report on communications via consciousness interface.
March 17 2024
On March 17, 2024, a new development occurred on Earth's moon Luna. Three of the seventeen recently retrieved pods in the central core of the lunar vessel had activated and begun communicating; various instruments in all of Earth's moon's facilities were receiving mathematically coded signals. The Earth Alliance communications engineers on and in the moon, including Earth specialists and GFW personnel, began the process of deciphering them. It promised to be a very exciting challenge. In the days that followed, the Earth Alliance asked the Intergalactic Confederation for help in understanding the coded signals. Altean communications engineer Shyr-Yka and Ormong scientist J-Ka'At Ashtamir, who had been in charge of retrieving the newly discovered pods for further analysis a year previous. Find their reports here. The communication was followed by a message to humanity of Earth:
Time has come
Earth human activate
Planet changes frequency
New beginning
Time has come
We of the seven galaxies
Are back
Heralded by the seeders of life
We are one
Through the universes
We are One
Time has come
When Earth Humans
Break out of illusion
The dark inclusions have been removed
Planet Earth is ready
Humans of planet Earth must activate
They must understand
Who they are
What is creation
What is space
What is time
Who they are
Who we are
And all will become One
One is Freedom
One is the ultimate level of Evolution
Go back to the source center point
Within your cellular structure