Thor Han Eredyon

Star system: Ashaara (Taygeta/Pleiades)
Planet: Erra Race: Ahel Height: 6.5 Ft
Skin: fair. High cheek bones.
Hair: blond, wavy Eyes: Aquamarine blue
Position: High Command Officer onboard the Excelsior Battle Station, Galactic Federation of Worlds.
Although born 350 years in our future, on Erra in the Pleiades, Thor Han Eredyon's original planetary matrix is not Ashaara (named on Earth asTaygeta) but a world in a very distant galaxy, NGC 7331 visible from here through the Pegasus constellation. His original homeworld is Emerya, in the star system of Altea.

Thor Han and I come from the same place and we have lived most of our lives together. Sometimes on Earth but most of the time on other worlds. We share the same Altean original soul group with Oona and Tayel. In our last incarnation together, we were on planet Erra, in the Pleiades, in the Ashaara system ("Taygeta"), 350 years into the future ( regarding Earth's linear time). There, Thor Han has incarnation siblings: Shaya Eredyon (older sister) and Jen Han Eredyon (younger brother). Responding to the call of the Zenatean Alliance ( the "Andromedans"), we enrolled to save Terra; I decided to go through the Envoy program, while Thor Han enrolled in the Galactic Federation of Worlds' space fleet.
Thor Han was told that he would have to rescue me but he didn't know when this would occur. In consequence, he joined the battle station of the Galactic Federation of Worlds in the Sol system (named by the Earth Alliance the "Excelsior"), as a military recruit, and for years, he acted as a scout ship captain involved in abductees' rescue missions. The feared event occurred in 1979, when Thor Han rescued me from a horrendous abduction by Grays. Cygnus Solipsirai organics and Zeta Reticuli synthetics composed the crew of the enemy's ship, working for the Nebu hybridization programs. The complete story of my abduction and rescue at age nine is detailed in my book "A Gift From The Stars" (2020) .

This is how Thor Han and I renewed contact in this lifetime, and ever since then, we have been communicating via a physical quantum device. The rescue team that was at the time under Thor Han's command was also composed of co-pilot Valorian Neek Oroyan (Val Nek), from Epsilon Eridani, Celadion from Taygeta, and science officer Myrah from Sirius B. Thor Han was promoted Mission Coordinator in 2020 then Fleet Commander, and by the end of 2022 he joined the High Command of his battleship, under the authority of Admiral-High Commander Ardaana. From this time, he was able to enter the diplomatic circles of the Federation and relay the most sensitive information to me officially. Thor Han met with the head of NORAD, General Glen VanHerck, in an underground facility beneath the US military base Raven Rock, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, on January 6 2023, to give the last updated plan for ET disclosure (Report videos: 1-here and 2- here ).

Karell Eredyon
Governor of the Ashaara Council

Sarima Ana Eredyon
Royal Princess of the Errahel House of Manahu

Jen Han Eredyon
Younger Brother
Terraformer on Mars

Shaya Ana Eredyon
Elder sister
Generator attendant and technician on Erra.
In this interview for a Japanese YouTuber - March 2023
In this video recording originally from March 2020 - Timestamp 11:40' Full video here

From Star Nation News & Special Events
Feb 03 2025 - SNN63
I am High Commander aboard the battle station XL6 Sol, in orbit around your planet. Many of you know me from my work with Elena Danaan on the disclosure mission. The disclosure agenda of the Earth Alliance has been a slow process until we were able to secure a stable future for the people of Earth. It is now complete, and the revelation of our presence among your people, your civilization, will accelerate. The technologies used in the secret scientific and military programs were of two kinds: one tended to help the people of Earth build a more prosperous and secure future, the other tended to weaponize these technologies to be used against the population in a matter of mass control. At first, the deceptive agendas worked efficiently, deeply embedded in the roots of societies. Gradually, our combined efforts with the Earth Alliance caused the roots of the global situation to shift toward solutions. Through infiltration, manipulation, using the tools of our common enemy and turning their own forces against them, we changed the equation.
Nowadays, many people are caught up in lying because they want to be popular, and their livelihood depends on their popularity. These people have caught themselves in a vicious circle and lie to keep attention. Beware of those who claim to be better than others, to be unique, to qualify themselves with superlatives, to pretend to save everyone's life or to go to all the important places. And when logic and science cannot justify it, they invent parallel worlds with parallel laws of physics. I will tell you this: I am not as knowledgeable as the Creator of all things, but I know this for sure: the laws of physics are universal. There are variables and there are constants, but overall the laws maintain their equation through densities and dimensions. Only the Creator can fragment His consciousness, not His creation. Yes, we can create, but we cannot split ourselves, neither our consciousness nor our biological cells.
I ask you to believe and to keep that fire in your hearts, for the darkness that still remains will do everything in its power to take that flame from you. Hope is the way to build great achievements. Keep dreaming, for dreams are the manifestation of your desires. Desire to be happy and to build a happy world around you, for yourself, your loved ones, and the world around them. For some of you, your loved ones are the entire population of this planet, including all life forms. Together we are a tremendous, invincible force. You have nothing to fear if you walk the path of truth, if you are honest with yourself and with others.
High Commander Thor Han Eredyon at service of Truth.
Jan 20 2025 -SNN61
There has been an incident in the Saya star system when a group of Ciakahrr dissidents attempted to penetrate the plasma defense shield. As you know, we have the technology to make the natural plasma shield of a star and its planetary system impenetrable by increasing its charge. The King of the Trug, Regent of the Sayan Alliance, decided to launch an immediate offensive against the invading forces, without consulting the Galactic Federation of Worlds or waiting for our enforcement. A fierce battle ensued and spread throughout the star system. There were casualties on the 4th and 5th planets. Our rescue contingents arrived in time to resolve the situation and destroy the Ciakahrr ships, but the Trug learned of this:
The Galactic Federation of Worlds of Nataru has the means to protect any member civilization with direct armed operations. Becoming a member of the Federation means openly and freely benefiting from our powerful military resources. If the Trug had held the siege and waited, there would have been no casualties. When a new culture joins our membership, they agree to basic agreements for their protection and are asked not to act foolishly in matters of warfare. Everyone must be reasonably aware of the limits of their resources and let wisdom guide their decisions and actions.
When Earth officially joins as a peaceful planetary culture, you will discover that these protocols have been in place since 1955 of your era, when the Earth Alliance was officially formed. Since that time, we have helped your culture develop its own defense fleet against threats from belligerent, more advanced civilizations. When the time comes, the civilians of Earth will discover the reality and practical applications of this alliance, though not quite directly. As we reveal our presence on Earth, working with your governments since the 1950's, the technologies will be gradually integrated into your daily lives so as not to upset the balance of the economies of your countries and states. The replacement of currencies, as well as transportation and energy systems, is a fine, intricate operation, done so as not to upset the economic balance and to avoid any potential disruptions. On another level, there is no need to worry about the Great Transition, for it has already begun. Your civilization is rising to its true potential and destiny: to expand to other planets, other star systems and galaxies, and to become children of the stars.
High Commander Thor Han Eredyon, at service of the Truth.
Dec 30 2024 -SNN59
An important decision has been made by the Nataru United Alliance regarding the Nebu Hybrid Armada, which is located in an artificial dimensional bubble behind the Uruanna Portal. After serious deliberation, based on facts, involving resources, time, and effort from the various organizations that have been working on the matter. After considering these facts:
- The hybrid bodies are soulless envelopes connected to the artificial core system of each of the cargo ships that carried them.
- These bodies will never acquire consciousness or connection to a hive as they were designed to do.
- The pods containing the bodies are inter-connected to antimatter detonators that would pulverize this entire galaxy into particles of dust.
- Efforts to recover the bodies would be illogical given the level of risk, which is fatal.
-In light of the decision by many organizations such as the Intergalactic Confederation, the Zaggarah Council, and the Anakh Empire to immediately cease all rescue operations.
The Nataru United Alliance has decided, for the benefit of the many, that neither the cargo ships nor the bodies will be recovered. It has been decided that the antimatter devices will be detonated to collapse the artificial dimensional bubble and wipe it out of existence. This operation will be carried out by the Intergalactic Confederation using programmed robotic units with an imminent order.
The Kiily-Tokurt have agreed to cooperate with the Nataru United Alliance in the search for other dimensional bubbles created by the former Nebu Empire in their quest to invade several other worlds in this galaxy. If the same conditions are met, a similar decision will be implemented. It is time to free ourselves from the tyranny of the Nebu and build a new future together, free from the ashes of the past.
High Commander Thor Han Eredyon, at service of the Truth.
Dec 16 2024 -SNN57
The galactic rebellion against the Ciakahrr Empire, which has led to the uprising of all the worlds of the Nataru galaxy that were once under the tyranny of the Ciakahrr, has now reached such a scale that there isn't a single planet in the galaxy that remains silent. All worlds have united, regardless of what organizations they may or may not be a part of. There are still three cells of the Ciakahrr Empire holding out against the United Galactic Alliance of Nataru, including of course the head of the Empire, Thuban. Rogue gangs of Ciakahrrs still roam the various sectors of the galaxy, almost impossible to catch, trying to wreak havoc in their wake, but with little effect. They are disorganized and desperate. We've heard of a few cells of Ciakahrr resistance fomenting rebellion in various places, but to no avail so far, as no one wants to ally with a losing party, and the Ciakahrr Empire doesn't have a great reputation.
The Akhorian Altair star system has now evolved into a stable interplanetary confederation where treaties of peace have been signed between the different cultures. Colony governor Val Nek Oroyan, stationed on the second planet of that system, Akhorat, reports that the human colonies have broken free from Earth’s management and have now proclaimed themselves as free, independent cultural groups. They have been welcomed into the Akhori Planetary Confederation.
Terraforming has started on the second planet of the Kepler 62 -Man star system in what you call the Lyra zone, the little planet G’mun. In reason of its size, we do believe that the operations will be quick in time and some results may be operational in a relatively short period of time. G’Mun was home of the Ladrakh, a Reptiloid humanoid culture. As soon as their original world will become habitable again, some Ladrakh colons from Sirius B and Vega will move back to repopulate their original homeworld and rebuild there a civilization.
The galaxy of Nataru slowly heals its wounds and many worlds are now feeling very hopeful for a future made of freedom and fraternity.
High Commander Thor Han Eredyon, at service of the Truth.
Dec 9 2024 - SNN56
We have news from the Steelfire star cluster. The Arek government has reconsidered its hostility to the GFW's maneuvers aimed at pressuring them into signing non-interference agreements. In fact, Prince Ea's presence greatly improved our negotiations with the Arek. Without him in the game, we probably would not have succeeded in those negotiations. He is a powerful and crucial asset in galactic diplomacy. His wisdom and experience are a treasure we can learn from. So what happened in detail: As you may know by now, the Arek set their conditions to the new non-interference agreements, as they found the ways of the GFW to be somehow "intrusive". After Ea's great efforts to get both parties to understand each other's ways, mentality and culture, relations have improved. Ea eventually got his way, but I guess you will ask him all about it.
While the Jupiter Hub continues to welcome visitors from outside the Sol System, under the secure supervision of the military factions of Ashtar Command and the Earth Alliance, the forces of the Intergalactic Federation continue to withdraw towards the orbits of the outer planets and the edge of the Sol System, into the vast area between the Oort Cloud and the inner edge of the Plasma Belt. They are prepared to keep one of their armadas in orbit around Jupiter for at least the next decade, and perhaps longer, to maintain a watchful presence over current events on planet Earth.
The hybrids' cargo ships found in the interdimensional bubble beyond the Uru An Na Nebula remain a matter of great concern. Due to the antimatter detonators embedded in the structure of the ships, we will not be recovering them. We have also discovered that all of the hybrid bodies we extracted from those cargo ships and placed in the medical stations we brought there are carriers of mind programming. But what is even more disturbing is that these hybrids, which were supposed to be brought to Earth by the Nebu to replace the humans, do not have an organic soul. These bodies are inhabited by artificial intelligence formerly linked to the core consciousness or "Queen" of the Nebu Hive; the very entity we infected and destroyed three Earth years ago. The GFW is now faced with an ethical problem, as these bodies do not have souls, and are merely receptacles for AI programming. We still do not know what is the best way to deal with this problem. The valuable assistance of the Kiily Tokurt has saved us from tremendous collateral damage and fatal consequences, and we are still working with them to find a solution. The scientific cell of the Intergalactic Confederation, which you call "The Seeders," has sent qualified personnel to assist in this investigation. The Anakh Empire has also provided geneticists and the Council of Alnilam is also involved in these operations. This is something we will continue to discuss in the coming times, as we must not rush anything in this problematic situation.
On Earth, the plan for the disclosure of our presence and our continued work with the positive cells of your governments is about to jump to the next level of operations as the new governments are being put in place. These will allow our common plan for disclosure to reach the public in a dynamic process that will eventually lead to a mediatized civilian contact. If all goes accordingly to this common plan between the GFW and the positive factions of your governments, the next two years will see the unfolding of this great operation and by 2027 your societies should look very different from today, as humanity will jump to a next level in civilization: the interstellar level and the beginning of a new era as entering officially the galactic community of Nataru. Of course, we expect some turmoil in the meantime, as the dark forces that have been in power for a very long time will not let go so easily. This period of transition may be the ground for conflicts that may or may not cause some delays in the positive outcome of our plan, but the outcome remains the same. You will need to focus on what you want and what you are here for during this time of transition.
Meanwhile, we, the GFW, together with the IGC, are showing more of our ships in your skies, at lower altitudes, in coordination with the Earth Alliance. The newly appointed NORAD Commander, a longtime associate of ours who has been a prominent presence in space aboard our ships and the Earth Alliance Solar Warden fleet, will facilitate these low altitude operations. Ambassador Val Thor is still involved in high level governmental disclosure operations and will reveal himself when the time is right. Drones are sent to fly over airports and important monuments to accustom the public to the existence of such technologies and the reality of extraterrestrial civilized life. Some of these drones are also manufactured on Earth by your military industries. All the truth will come out, all of it, but in its own time. Meanwhile, your new positive leaders and business partners, such as Elon Musk, who is one of us, are in charge of providing a catch-up in technology levels regarding retro-engineering of the technologies we have been providing for decades and that you have been using in the secret space programs. The day will come soon when the public on Earth will know everything, but this is following a precise procedure.
You need not worry about the future, people of Earth. For we have foreseen it, and what we can tell you is that it will be magnificent. An era of cooperation and soaring to the stars and infinite possibilities.
High Commander Thor Han Eredyon, at service of the Truth.
Sept 9 2024
The recent incident on the Earth-made Starliner capsule is not an incident. I was not involved in that operation, although I did check with our services and the transmission was an order from the High Scientific Officer Denethor. The pulse is the reflected signal of an organic ship's consciousness, such as is found in the so-called Arks. The pulse of this ship is the heartbeat of the living and self-aware core engine. What we call Class-IV technology. The Galactic Federation of Worlds does not use this type of technology in general; only highly advanced member civilizations use this type of technology in their vessels. I am familiar with that pulse signal, and at first I thought it might have been interference from the activated pulse signal of a nearby ark, but it wasn't; it was a signal broadcasted from our XL6 battle station, as part of the Disclosure Project.
These particular pulse signals, many of you may hear them at times, when Arks on Earth activate. This occurrence only exists if the individual’s soul belongs to the specific Ark’s soul collective. When the fleet of the Intergalactic Confederation entered this star system a few years ago, many Earthlings heard the activation wave and awakened to their intergalactic identity. Their soul families were back, and very near.
I believe you have access to the recording of this pulse, so I can invite you to memorize it and observe what it is suggesting to your consciousness. Many of you may suddenly activate memory, which was among the main purposes of this transmission. This, is the heartbeat of a highly advanced plasmic consciousness. Even if they do not have a biological heart, these beings have a pulse. If it is sentient, it automatically has a pulse frequency.
I told you that NASA would try to debunk it and they were quick at it, although clumsy as they contradicted themselves, caught in panic certainly. This is somehow amusing.
The soldier named JP is right as he recognized instantly the truth, identifying the nature of the signal that interfered with the Starliner communications.
High Commander Thor Han Eredyon, at service of the Truth.
Sept 2 2024
I greet the people of Earth, from above and below the surface of this planet. I have been orbiting this world for many long years and I have seen it change considerably. Not visually, of course, but internally, in terms of its social engineering by the class of those who work for the dark against humanity, allied with the factions of star people who aren't down there for all the good.
I have seen the composition of the atmosphere change as it became saturated with heavy metals, the acidity of the oceans change, and the composition of the soil impoverish in populated areas. In the natural evolution of a planetary culture, these aspects are only temporary, as technology freely evolves to meet environmental health requirements. On Earth, access to these technologies has been denied to you, leaving you struggling to stay healthy and stressed in the search for decent living conditions. These corrupt leaders shame you for the environmental crimes they themselves have committed on your planet, while denying you the renewable energy technologies that can only mitigate the damage they have done.
All of this was created by the upper class of humans in collaboration with the reptilian Earth leadership led by Enlil. We told you about the Ciakahrr, the Ciakahrr Empire, because they were the most prominent threat to your civilization. Understand this: the Ciakahrr who were on Earth represented and were supported by a very powerful galactic empire. Enlil and his faction weren't supported by anyone but the Ciakahrr Empire. The Anakh Empire never endorsed Enlil's whereabouts on Earth. That is why, even though Enlil has been a powerful being, we have always talked about the Ciakahrr Empire influencing Earth, never about the Anakh Empire. Do you understand? Anu's hands were tied as long as the Ciakahrr Empire was involved with Enlil. All the misfortunes that happened on Earth weren't the work of Anu's Empire, but of the Ciakahrr Empire, to which Enlil was loyal.
The entry of the Negumak Gnomopo into the Galactic Federation of Worlds tipped the balance and action could be taken. We have been trying to get them in for a long time. Now a new power has piqued the interest of the Galactic Federation of Worlds: the Arek of the Steelfire Cluster. Their culture is located on the other side of Nataru, in what we call the 1st Sector. Emperor Anu has ancient treaties with them, guaranteeing non-interference between Arek and Anakh territories. In the galactic operation to destroy the Ciakahrr Empire, the Arek have so far kept silent and withdrawn from any interference. However, the Galactic Federation of Worlds has decided to act before anyone else does, to offer the Arek membership. The Arek have always been independent, so this won’t be an easy task.
On the other hand, we are also aware that their spirit of independence has kept them from siding with the Ciakahrr Empire. The Ciakahrr Empire is in decline, and the new United Alliance of Nataru is gaining power. If the Arek were to choose a side, they would surely side with the United Alliance of Nataru, considering also their non-interference treaty with Anu. Diplomats from the Anakh Empire, the Zenatean Alliance, and the Intergalactic Confederation were sent to the 1st Sector a few days ago to meet with Arek representatives. The United Nataru Alliance is quite confident about the outcome of this meeting.
Another new power is rising in this galaxy, the United Worlds of Altair. For a long time, this particular star system was the heart of great conflicts between many civilizations and colonies. Now that the Nebu have collapsed, and the human alliance of Alkorin has parted ways with the Ciakahrr Empire, and the human colonies controlled by the Dark Fleet and the dark space programs of Earth have left Markhat, the fifth planet, there has been a great clearing up in this star system. The place has now left room for the birth of a new positive and constructive alliance, the renewal of trade relations with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and more if good things come of it. I have this information first hand from my good old friend Val Nek, who has been serving as Colony Governor on Akhorat for the past three Earth years. In fact, I recently met him on a Galactic Federation Deep Space Station near the Alkorin system, where we were able to catch up on the reality of events where he is now stationed. Val Nek and I have kept our friendship close and I now see him regularly in Neutral Zones.
What about the future of Earth? Well, I can say with confidence that there will be no more threats to your planet for a long time to come. Balance and peace will be restored in this galaxy, even if it takes a while to transition through periods of conflict. This is evolution, this is the life of this galaxy and the common universal laws of our universe.
Thor Han Eredyon, High Commander on the Galactic Federation of Worlds’ battleship XL6. In the service of peace.
Aug 15 2024
Sometimes the world you live in seems like a puddle of uncertainty and darkness, not because of the nature of events, but because of ignorance. Faith in the future and in victory is not gained by knowing that everything is going to be all right, but it comes through the uncertainty of the future, when you can't see the outcome, but you still believe that the light will succeed. Faith is knowing that even if you cannot see the light of day, you trust that the sun will rise at the end of the night. You are your own savior, and what drives your actions is hope. It is not because you do not see the light that it is not there. If you want to see the light of hope, open your eyes to the truth, for the night lasts for those who keep their eyelids closed.
For the past seven years, you have been shown the efforts of your enemies to subjugate you and take away your future, your rights, freedom and sovereignty. You have been shown their actions, their coded symbols by which they have communicated all this time. The very foundations of their societies, which were the foundations of a global prison, where the walls were built with your labor and the padlocks of your cages were nothing more than made with your own thoughts. The Galactic Federation of Worlds, in coordination with the Earth Alliance, has been working to expose the deepest darkness and shatter the artificial screen of illusion that has been placed before your eyes. We have revealed to you how the controlled mainstream media has brainwashed and formatted your minds to the point of weaponizing your own thoughts against yourselves. You have been groomed to think what the Central Intelligence told you to think. Through the controlled mainstream media, you were slowly assimilated, with your consent, into a hive mind. This was the work of a despicable invader named Nebu, known to Earth as the Dominion, Orion Group, or Betelgeuse Eban Grays. They were part of a now dismantled alliance of six pernicious civilizations, and that alliance is now being dismantled.
The cleverest intervention that guaranteed the highest percentage of success was the infiltration of their structures. Many of our dedicated personnel compromised themselves to join the darkest of these organizations and play at their own games, dismantling them from within. This operation took decades and we are now seeing the fruits of the sacrifice of these beings who will forever remain unknown heroes. They are many. Many... The Galactic Federation of Worlds worked on infiltration operations, defense, and scientific cooperation. I have already told you about this. As for the latest development in the matter of disclosure, we have been working on many fronts simultaneously. Some of our infiltrated assets have come to light in the last two years, revealing the Earth Alliance's work in technology cooperation in the field of retro-engineering of our technologies, as well as the existence of the enemy's dark programs working in the same field, but for different purposes, such as weaponizing non-Earth technologies. Of course, these last could never achieve such success, as the enemy they were associated with, such as the Nebu and the Ciakahrr, never gave the humans of Earth the keys to understand and replicate their weapons, for obvious reasons.
Everything we planned, the enemy planned to counter. If you have been following what has been going on lately with Congressional hearings and groups being disolved as quickly as they are being created for the sole purpose of hijacking disclosure, you may have found it either confusing or exciting. All you have to do is sit back and watch; you will see the enemy's game slowly coming into the light.
Elena asked me my opinion about the recent Olympic ceremonies and I was happy to answer her request. She knew, of course, that we were no strangers to the operation. Remember and keep this in mind at all times: the enemy you call the Deep State has lost total control of humanity; its power is diminishing like the trail of a comet. Here is what I can comment on:
What I am about to say is of course of value to the remaining leaders of the Deep State, but in this case I am referring specifically to the leader of the country that hosted these circus games: It is often by encouraging the mad king on his throne to show the best of his madness that we can awaken his subjects and start a revolution. So we just did that. We pushed them to the extreme to reveal in a shocking bright light their evil agendas such as the annihilation of the gender binarity, child trafficking and the purpose behind it, where these children are taken and by whom, the true face of the Roman religious institution that has never been of the Light and has always subjugated you to bow in fear before false gods, and who these false gods were, that you have been worshipping all this time: Lucifer-Marutuk and his mentor Yuh Enlil, who took the title of Yahweh.
The Light bearer... this title is held by two beings who play opposite roles: Marutuk and Issa. Or Yeshua as you know him. Both are Light bearers, but the Roman institution replaced the Messenger of Light, Yeshua, with the fallen angel Lucifer-Marutuk, former Light bearer who fell to the dark side of his uncle Enlil. I am sure that the heir of the Anakh Empire is best qualified to develop this topic, as I am only an observer in this matter. Ea lived and endured these times and struggles with these beings. You can ask him about the Yeshua-Lucifer or Christ-Antichrist inversion. The enemy had planned for the return of Marutuk, but it is his father who returned instead, the father of the true, real light-bearer: Issa-Yeshua.
The Olympic Games are the most globally watched event every four years on Earth. In previous events we have shown to you the plans of the Deep State through artwork displays and choreographies. What a better opportunity, as all the world is watching! The organizers of these events are not of the Earth Alliance, they are not, but have been cleverly infiltrated by our assets and influenced. Remember: everything that you see is a show. Yes, you understood everything you were shown at the opening ceremony of these games. However, there is something crucial I want you to understand: this was an orchestrated disclosure under the nose of your enemy, using the enemy’s resources and media. And so was the closing ceremony of these games.
You have seen the darkness, the inversions, the trafficking, the social engineering exposed, you have been shown the darkness of it all under the label "Apocalypse": the Great Reveal. The Closing Ceremony shows you the aftermath of this Great Revelation. Many of you, trained to see darkness everywhere, believe that this was a somber display of Lucifer descending into a man-made hell to subdue lost souls. You have missed the message.
Lucifer is no more, he left Earth and lived on Saturn, of which he was the Ra, a long time ago, and then he was cast out of that star system, never to return. What the dark ones worshipped all that time was just a shadow of a shadow. Marutuk will never return, for he was defeated in his Marutuk identity, far from this star system, and that is a story only his biological father can tell. Lucifer is no more. The true light bearers are now each and every one of you who are awakening to the truth and carrying that light through the darkness of ignorance. You are the awakeners.
In the final show of these Planetary Games, you were shown the aftermath of the Great Reveal, when humanity rises from the ashes and becomes strong again as they unite despite their differences. The golden voyager descending from the sky represents the star nations landing in a world where, after all the wars have ended, the inhabitants of a reviving planet, in the midst of defeating a great enemy, finally forget what divided them and become one planetary nation. The golden voyager refers to the Voyager probe, which carries information about your planet, its location, and the type of life forms it hosts, carved on a golden disk. Sent forty-seven years ago as we speak, it was a message from Earth to us. And we have returned to guide you through your victory, a future that you have built for yourselves, a victory that you have won with merit, a future that you have made your own.
Now you must move from this show on and be attentive to what is going on in the real world; to the next batch of disclosure that is coming, and this, will not be a show but real, groundbreaking testimonies from high grades military personnel.
My name is Thor Han Eredyon, I have been Elena's partner for millions of years, and I am currently working as an officer in the High Command of a battle station in orbit around your planet. This is the task I have chosen for the time being, for the mission. I have borne many other names, as have you. All of you. Your mortal bodies carry an eternal being that has never known the beginning of the universe and will never know the end.
Receive my love.
Grand final - July 10 2024
[ELENA] Here is a message from the Galactic Federation of Worlds transmitted by High Commander Thor Han Eredyon who gives us the pleasure to send me a message in French, for you:
[THOR HAN] People of the stars, people of the Earth, we are gathered with you, down here on your planet and here on our ships. I am in the company of your people. We met a few days ago. I have been doing some research to find a representative of each of your families and they are with me. We are in a large room in the middle of nature, onboard the Excelsior. They are all here, watching you. We have a screen. And they wish you all the light, and that this light enters your hearts. They are letting you know that they are connected to you, even when all you see is darkness. They are here, their light is your light. We are always together, connected, and we wish you to continue giving and sharing this beautiful light. It is through you, that the work of the star people takes place. I am happy and my heart is filled with joy to know that you have regained hope. Some of you, as was told to me from your families, are still afraid and see the uncertainty of a future they still can't see. Believe us, this future you've already created it. It has already begun. Every time that before your eyes there is only the blackness of the night, know that the stars are here, and all you have to do is look up. We showed our ships a few days ago and we will continue tonight. Please look up and you will see us, the ships, you will see, are those of your families. We are going to share with you a visual dance to honor your courage and share our love with you. Worry no more, we are not here to save you; you are the saviors of Humanity. You are among us. You are one of us. You are the many who comes to help the Terrans.
Thor Han Eredyon is my name.
July 1 2024
Jada, which you call Aldebaran, has always been a problem for the Galactic Federation of Worlds. This star system of thirteen worlds is home to several major civilizations, most of which are humanoids with various agendas. We recently parted ways with one of these civilizations, the Jadaii Anakhim. They were one of those rare cases of dual alliance. Under the protectorate of the Anakh Empire, the Jadaii Anakhim, also known as the Jadaii Anunakene, were also members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, until recently. Being under two protectorates at the same time can be tricky for a civilization at times, and the Jadaii played it cleverly. They never broke the rules of the Prime Directive, but they got around it by using the Dayyakura, the Anakh version of it. Unfortunately, we had to let them go a few years ago. They were too much trouble. The reason why, for that decision was also their connection to the Ciakahrr Empire. You see, the Jadaii always supported Anakh Prince Yuh, or Enlil as you know him, from the very beginning. Their loyalty was to him, and they benefited from his agenda. Yuh, let us call him Enlil, for it will be easier for those who will listen to this communication, was the heir to the Imperial House of Anu at that time, and his mother was a local Uru An Na Ciakahrr queen. Her name was Tia. Whatever the seat of the Ciakahrr Empire on Thuban ordered Tia to do, she would make Enlil do it. And because Emperor Anu had been tricked, the Anakh Empire couldn't oppose any of these decisions under the threat of a massive war between the two most powerful empires in the galaxy. Anu never wanted to risk the trillions of lives of his subjects. The role of a leader is to protect the weak and provide a safe environment. So as long as he could keep the peace, Anu turned a blind eye to his son Enlil's actions.
Around the 1930s, we do not have the exact date when these secret meetings took place, the Ciakahrr Empire made a deal with a group of Terrans to build and train an army that would serve the Ciakahrr Empire. In return, this group of Terrans would be given the technology to conquer all territories and become the overlords of the planet. This is how the National Socialist German Workers' Party was founded and financed by the banking elite led by the Anakh leadership of Enlil and his son Ninurta. This banking empire is composed of an elite reptilian royal bloodline descended from Enlil. They are the reptilian hybrid families who have ruled the planet since Enlil won Earth in his war games a very long time ago.
An advanced cast of Anakhim have this ability to project their being out of their body, to appear as ethereal silhouettes, which confers them sometimes the title of “Shining Ones.”
This is how Maria Orsic saw the Jadaii emissaries from Anakh Outpost 361, on the seventh planet of the Jada-Aldebaran star system, appear to her in her home in 1917. Why her? Because she was originally from Manahai, the Pleiades, and she was chosen because of her heritage and genetic frequency that gave her the ability to receive this type of communication. It is important to remind the public that there are all sorts of agendas and alliances among the civilizations of the Pleiades. When Maria received these communications from Jada-Aldebaran in the Anakh language, she had no idea who was really behind this operation. Because of the technology she gullibly handed over to the Third Reich, Maria was offered to run her own program for a time, in cooperation with a light-skinned, humanoid Pleiadian culture that had treaties of interest with the Ciakahrr Empire, the dark Anakh secret societies and the Nazis, and also enemies of the GFW: the Alcyone Taal-Shiar.
Maria eventually realized what was going on, and though she kept quiet for years, terrorized by her overlords, she eventually left the program. When the new army of darkness, serving the Anakh-Ciakahrr reptilian overlords on Earth, unveiled the most despicable agenda, Maria broke away from anything that had to do with it. She realized that she was being used and manipulated, so she fled.
Getting away from the evil eye was not an easy undertaking. Maria, and her crew of non-terrestrial women, were offered a safe escape by the GFW. For her safety, Maria was provided with an anti-remote-viewing holographic shield. No one was to know that she was still alive or where she was. The enemy wanted her dead because she knew a lot about them. Maria shared the sensitive, strategic information about the enemy with the Galactic Alliance, specifically concerning the Dark Fleet and their ties with the Ciakahrr, Taal Shiar, and the Anakhim dark overlords. Maria was offered a high position as a consultant in the Earth Alliance, specifically assigned to develop the Solar Warden defense programs. Maria and her team worked with the US NAVY as technical advisors. She was given the code-name "Jessica". She now oversees the training of young recruits for the Solar Warden Starfleet.
Now you can better understand who she is; a beautiful person, inside and out, dedicated to the quest for freedom. I have had the rare privilege of meeting Maria during missions with the Earth Alliance. Do not be fooled by her graceful feminine appearance; Maria is a fierce warrior and leader. She has a fiery personality and a longtime female companion who has stood by her through all the trials Maria and her team have endured. Maria is a bright star in our sky and a valuable asset.
T.H. Eredyon, GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.
June 24 2024
I will tell you what the Earth Alliance is and what are its tasks that we resume by: Intervention-Infiltration-Cooperation. The Earth Alliance is a coalition of various on-world and off-world organizations, such as: positive factions of the Earth military, positive parties among the Earth governments, that is, those not associated with the shadow governments and their organizations and dark societies. Also, the Earth Alliance includes various factions among the military forces of the Galactic Alliance of Nataru. These include: contingents from the Galactic Federation of Worlds who are trained and physically prepared for ground and underground combat, and who know all about the enemy they are dealing with. As you know, these underground clearance operations were officially completed in 2021, with some small, isolated remaining areas finally treated in 2022.
Part of the Earth Alliance's mission is to infiltrate shadow organizations in order to beat the enemy at their own game. By now, all shadow organizations on your planet have been infiltrated by Earth Alliance forces. Due to the level of personal involvement of these secret agents, it is impossible to expose them. The technology you use for "remote viewing" does not work either, as these particular agents have holographic protective shields.
A holographic shield is a technology that cloaks a person or a place from remote viewing, and it is also called a moving hologram. It does not consist of a still image that deceives the remote spy, because we must call it as it is, but of an algorithm that constantly moves with the thoughts and activities of the subject. It is impossible to distinguish the holographic illusion from reality. And that is how our agents are protected, and that includes you, Elena, of course, because it is important to remind the public.
A third aspect of the Earth Alliance's mission, after military intervention and enemy infiltration, is technology cooperation. These programs officially began in the mid-1950s when the Galactic Federation of Worlds, in coordination with the US Navy, created the first cell of the Earth Alliance and secretly developed a defensive space fleet known as "Solar Warden," the Guardians of Sol, built with technology we taught Earth's scientists and engineers.
The existence of the Earth Alliance was kept under secrecy until now for its protection. As long as the public didn't know of its existence, it couldn't incite the masses to revolution. Undoubtedly, an uprising of the masses would be a good thing, but we were concerned about the violence that the dark governments and their military forces would use to respond to such an uprising. We have tried to avoid the unfolding of violence and chaos. Instead, progressive disclosure, coupled with the controlled demolition of the global deep state, is the best viable solution.
Many factors are at play. The Global Deep State has been preparing, since the early 1940's, a program of contemptible operations aimed at enslaving the people of Earth in a mental, labyrinthine, prison of engineered illusions. They have had total control over the psyche of human societies, even controlling people's thoughts through a clever manipulation consisting of a multifactorial equation. By this I mean bridged operations that work in many areas simultaneously. People were constantly bombarded with this program and had no idea that they were in this program of a matrix of illusions. The shadow organizations used the power of human consciousness for their benefit. As long as the shadow governments are in a place of influence, however small it may remain, a sudden catastrophic disclosure would cause a terrible imbalance and the enemy would have no choice but to counteract by, of course, denying the truth, but also launching repressive operations that would cause extreme collateral damage. Behold, such a catastrophic disclosure will happen, I can guarantee it, but it is premature now. We are trying to protect the people.
Meanwhile, the process of catching up with technology continues at great speed. That when the moment of great revelation comes, the gap will be shorter to bridge. The technology that will be implemented right after the moment of great disclosure, of everything, is being mass-produced on Earth's moon Luna and aboard building stations in the Sol system. When that moment comes, it will be like an explosion of truth, but the people of Earth will no longer be in danger, for they will be free. Understand this, and these are my last words for today, for we will talk about this again, another time:
It is not the great reveal that will set you free, but it is your endeavors to set yourselves free that will allow the great reveal.
We will talk soon.
T.H. Eredyon, GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.
June 17 2024
For over seventy years, agreements between the Galactic Federation of Worlds of Nataru and certain secret branches of the Terran military have given rise to a secret defense space fleet called the "Solar Wardens". The Guardians of the Sol System. The project, initiated by the Galactic Federation of Worlds as an outreach to the Terran people in response to the insidious invasion of Terra by the Nebu with the consent of dark factions of the Terran governments, included technological assistance in the creation of a hybrid fleet composed of ships built with our technology and the hiring of trained, primarily Terran military personnel. This fleet has evolved into six core units, independent interstellar cargo ships and a number of space stations in orbit around various planets in the Sol system.
Revealing the existence of the Earth Alliance has been seen as endangering the safety of human populations, as the competing dark institutions, led by a great evil, would instantly counteract by launching their false invasion program, attempting to discredit the Earth Alliance forces and cause immense confusion. By mutual agreement with the Earth Alliance, we decided it was wiser not to go down that road. Instead, we preferred to develop a disclosure plan that would infiltrate the dark organizations responsible for blocking the truth, and influence Terran human societies in their global field of consciousness. I may specify:
Our well thought out disclosure plan included the infiltration of these major shadow organizations, for they were responsible for the great deception that had hidden the truth from humanity about the agreements made with the Nebu and the Ciakahrr. By now you are well aware of the agreements made with the Nebu, but do not forget the more ancient agreements that were already in place when the Nebu returned to Terra: the Ciakahrr cooperation with the Dark Societies. Remember, too, that the Ciakahrr worked hand in hand with the descendants and followers of Enlil, who was at the root of all the dark secret societies. The Ciakahrr and the dissident Anakhim, or Anunnaki as you know them, were bound by Enlil's rule, for he was half Ciakahrr through his mother and had deep, powerful ties to the Ciakahrr Empire. This is why the information received by the Aldebaran Anakh colony was given to Maria Orsic in Sumerian. This is your missing piece of the puzzle.
You are very welcome.
I will not digress into this topic, perhaps another time. Today I want to tell you about how the Earth Alliance defense program will be revealed. The brutal revelation of a truth can be disconcerting at first, leaving a bitter taste of betrayal and lies. To avoid this, it was decided at the Jupiter meetings three years ago that the disclosure of the Earth Alliance's existence would be smooth. First, we will hire a lot of personnel, increasing the recruitment campaigns for Space Force and other military branches already working in the Earth Alliance. The idea is to give the impression that Earth is building its own space defense fleet right now. In reality, it will be a massive "catch-up" effort. The civilian population will believe that spaceships are being built in large numbers. In fact, these ships already exist. The same disclosure program is underway for the colonization of Mars. That is why the Jupiter Accords invited the right CEOs who could do it in a short time.
You want to be part of the Earth Alliance and work on a starship in orbit around Terra, anywhere in the Sol System or elsewhere in the galaxy? Well, respond to the recruitment!
I will meet you there.
T.H. Eredyon, GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.
May 15 2024
Hello to all. Thor Han Eredyon speaking here. It has come to my attention that many earthlings have been conditioned to believe any theory that deviates from the dark government's agenda. Anything that contradicts the plans of the dark is not always genuine information. It is not because an information goes against the mainstream media controlled for human manipulation that this information is verifiable and real. There is a lot of false information that has been put out there that is also part of the Deep State manipulation to distract you from the real information. This is called dilution. It is a way of diluting the truth like a drop of gold in an ocean of muddy water.
Always verify the information you receive, no matter how pleasing that information seems and how it relates to other existing information. Verify the facts, artifacts, first-hand physical testimony, scientific corroboration, and so on. Don't take someone's word for religion until you have multiple corroborations and proofs. Always check the sources. If the source cannot be traced back, it means the information doesn't exist; someone, somewhere, made it up for deceptive purposes.
I am sorry to say that these false informations are numerous. They will keep your mind occupied while you will not be able to recognize the real information. These are the plans of the dark ones: when you cannot suppress a truth, you dilute it.
Do not ask me which information is real and which is false; to do so would be to take away your evolutionary ability to adapt and survive, which uses the development of discernment to become more aware, sharp of mind, and cautious. As I have told you before, the cross-referenced verifiable facts and evidence will sort out truth from deception.
Truth is simple, it does not have a decorated garment, but in its essence, truth is the most transformative thing of all. Truth may shock you at times, it may shake your whole world, but it will never carry the frequency of fear; it will empower you and strengthen your determination to fight whatever it takes to overcome. With Truth, knowledge is given to you. You are aware, so you can fight the right enemy. Truth sets you free.
T.H. Eredyon, GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.
April 13 2024
On April 13 2024, hours before Iran sends a retaliation attack on Israel, Thor Han gives me with an urgent message for Dr. Michael Salla, sharing information about a secret deal and how this related to the Earth Alliance and the Galactic Federation, details about the secret deal and how it relates to a wider struggle between the Earth Alliance and the Deep State over the future of the planet, as well as extraterrestrial disclosure. Read full article from Dr. Michael Salla & video:
On April 11, 2024, government officials and military leaders from several Earth Alliance member countries met in secret to discuss a plan of action against the Deep State. The U.S. White Hats were there, as well as Poutine, some representatives from Iran, and from "secondary power" Islamic states that have recently joined the Alliance, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, among many others. The Earth Alliance has been preparing to overthrow the Deep State for some time by buying back Islamist countries, such as Egypt, that were financially dependent on the Deep State’s banking overlords. When these countries regained their independence from the Deep State, they joined the Earth Alliance and switched sides. This is not just a war between two countries; there is a deep and complex silver lining. The Iran-Israel conflict is just the tip of the iceberg. The reality behind it is about a deal. The Earth Alliance is trading a list of things, including: the Deep State and its assets leaving Ukraine and giving it away. When diplomacy didn't work as expected, the second step was the scare tactics. However, the situation is more complex than that. Iran doesn't want to get into a war; it's just playing the threat to get the Deep State to back down on the terms of this multi-level deal.
If tragedy strikes, it will not be at the will of the Earth Alliance, but as a result of the resistance of the old paradigm. The dark institutions that have ruled this planet have lost their off-world support, and they would rather destroy everything in their fall than surrender. Therefore, deals have been worked out to avoid chaos and death. These meetings and the decisions that have resulted from them have been made by the Earth humans in charge. We can only wisely advise and assist in critical situations, which we have done and will continue to do diligently, but the future of Earth is in the hands of the Earth people. Stand strong with hope in your hearts, for this is the turning point for your freedom and your future. You are not alone.
T.H. Eredyon, GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.
March 25 2024
The construction of the Hub near Jupiter has attracted much attention from all sorts of Terran organizations and corporations that were not originally invited by the Earth Alliance to join the founding group for the Terran commercial establishment at the Hub. Many of them have been urged to participate in settling the new commercial arrangements for space trade in this star system and, more importantly, for interstellar trade opportunities with visiting cultures.
At the moment, everyone wants to have a hand on the hub, with a spot onboard, as you call it. Unfortunately, each candidate must meet the requirements set forth in the commercial agreements already established in 2021 during the Jupiter Accords meetings. Leading companies have been selected, and none of them are part of the Aerospace Corporation. Let us talk about them. The Aerospace Corporation was founded by the Terran banking overlords in order to extend their hegemony in the unlimited domain of space, and to this day gathers under its umbrella 18 member corporations directly involved in the programs, as well as a large number of satellite groups. They are all private corporations, industries and militarized corporations. The head is a CIA-NSA affiliated branch. They want to be part of the fun, but the Earth Alliance will have to make the final decision, as it is bound by the Jupiter treaties on interstellar trade for the Sol organization, corporate and military.
Under new leadership, the A.C. decided to restructure its space development policy as soon as the existence of the Hub became known to them. If they are not part of the Hub's contractors, the Hub becomes an opposing force to their campaigns in space for profit. This is very difficult for them as they do not know how to ride the change at the moment. They will, as we expect, try to form their own interstellar trading company. They will trade with the Terran corporations that are members of the Hub Trade Agreements, as well as directly with other interstellar cultures. They will become a concurrence to the Hub, but the problem is, for them, that anything they do will not profit humanity of Terra; it will only profit their own corporation alliance. Soon, however, the AC will seek for new fundings as the old banking system institution will collapse. As it has started. They know this eventuality is not, but a certainty. Meanwhile, they are working hard and fast at creating an independent commercial empire in space.
You may ask, what is the advantage for visiting traders to deal with the AC instead of the Hub? Well, the answer is simple: the Hub operates under the Jupiter Agreements, which respects the Neutral Zones, where, I may remind you, no conflict can occur under threat of Earth Alliance sanctions. No conflict, and no illegal trade. The security zones are perimeters around each planet and moon of this star system. This is how the GFW works to keep a star system in a balance of peace and diplomacy. Without the protection of the Hub, traders are at their own risk and are not allowed to enter Neutral Zones. It is forbidden to trade weapons and slaves in a star system under the protection of the GFW. In addition, all transactions made on the Hub are taxed by the Earth Alliance in order to give a return to the Terran civilian economy and to support the growth and prosperity of Terra and its inhabitants. The profits made by traders with rogue Terran corporations are not taxed for the benefit of the Terran people, but all profits are used to feed private corporations without going into the Terran global economy. It's a matter of ethics. We cannot avoid rogue trading; it has always existed and it will always exist. The Hub provides military protection against these rogue corporations, and legal protection when trading within the Hub, should a problem arise. When you trade in deep space, you're on your own and no one is going to help you. You see, it is a question of legality and ethics. Corporate wars have always been there. In deep space, trading can get messy and dangerous.
There is a galactic organization called the Galactic Guild of Merchants. This is a different matter. They have a presence at the Jupiter Hub, as well as every hub in Nataru. They also do intergalactic trade. They have their own rules, their own system of protection. To maintain a presence on a hub, they pay a tax to the host star system's economy. The Earth Alliance and the Mars Alliance will soon merge into the Sol Alliance, and Venus, Titan, Neptune, Ganymede, Jupiter, Europa, and many others will join in time. I give you the names here as they are known on Terra, then you can identify which worlds I am talking about. The Aerospace Corporation wants to get their hands on certain worlds of Sol, such as Europa, in order to profit from the natural resources of those worlds. Unfortunately for them, the Earth Alliance will put up strong resistance, as neutral zones must be respected. It should also be noted that there are very few planets, including moons, in this star system that are uninhabited. Whether by local life or ancient interstellar colonies, as well as more recent ones. Do not think that space is quiet and peaceful. Outside of the Neutral Zones we try to establish to protect cultures from war and corruption, space is wild.
March 11 2024
Eight sectors of Nataru galaxy have now joined the rebellious counter-offensive against the Ciakahrr empire. The Ciakahrr are still looking for powerful allies but beknown to us, no one has yet answered their call. The opposed forces are too powerful and dissuasive, as three great galactic forces have allied against them: the Galactic Alliance, the Negumak Gnomopo and the Anakh Empire. What concerns us, in our galactic sector, is the potential involvement of former allies of the Ciakahrr, the most notorious one is the Dark Fleet. However, and it is not surprising after all, the Dark fleet hasn’t yet taken side for their former allies the Ciakahrr. Their well-known policy of “cutting off an infected limb”, as they say, turns out to act in our favor. The Dark Fleet will never help the Ciakahrr at this point, as they are basically a militarized corporate. It is in their interest to continue trading and make alliance with the leading collectives and organizations in this galaxy. So the Dark Fleet will not be a problem regarding the war against the Ciakahrr.
The Alcyone Taal-Shiar and the Akhori Corporate have also let down the Ciakahrr, for the same reasons. Never in the history of this galaxy has the Anakh Empire offered assistance and allied forces with another organization. The Galactic Federation of Worlds has dealt with the Anakh Empire in the past, as our organization began to gain importance on the galactic diplomatic stage. Since then, there has been a special bond between the Pleiades, birthplace of our organization, and the Anakhim. I would like to remind you that the GFW was created after the Orion Wars to build an army on a galactic scale that would be able to prevent further tragedies and work to maintain balance and justice. We have good hope that this conflict will not last very long. I cannot tell in the linear timescale of Terra, but at a galactic level, it will be soon over.
The original crew of Luna was placed inside of the central unit. They were carefully teleported, one by one. They are seventeen in total and they transport plasmic consciousnesses entangled to these chrysalises. They are not waiting for a body to inhabit; they exist as such. They are very ancient, and part of the builder races. Their state of existence is the ultimate step undertook by the journey of a soul, just before they merge with Source. These beings exist only in the oldest places of creation. They are special. When the time comes, they will interface with the central consciousness, and activate it. But not yet. I don’t know how long we will have to wait, but to my guess, not for very long; the Koldassii have manifested and given us the access codes to Luna’s core. Time to release knowledge on the Builders shall occur soon. Your experience on Neptune, when you met them, shall be released when the time is appropriate. For this reason, I may say no more on what we have discovered in Terra’s moon.
FEBRUARY 26 2024
The pods have arrived. They were shipped yesterday by special cargo, escorted by the Excelsior’s forces. The pods were unloaded in Luna’s main station’s cargo bay, under the management of the Earth Alliance, as they have now custody of Earth’s satellite. We were there for technical assistance. The delegation of Koldassii didn’t come. However, we had the code given by them to teleport the pods inside of the core command. We proceeded so. The more modern tunnels that were built using ancient lava tubes, connecting the network of subsurface facilities, connect also at a deeper level to more ancient infrastructures, built by the civilization that manufactured this vessel, carving it out of a planetoid. I had had the occasion to see these pods already, about a year ago, and it was a spectacular experience, but finding myself in their presence again was awesome. They were shipped all the way down the corridors on antigravity trays, and we escorted them. These pods look like giant chrysalis with a strange shape, like a tear drop shape. They are semi-translucent and you can sense the pulse of life inside of them. It is conscious, but when you try to look into it, you cannot see that there is a biological body. Prince Ea said he would come and visit the core of Luna but I wished he was there in that particular moment, to explain to us what they are. He probably knows best about this technology, amongst all of us.
I didn’t beam with the delegation inside of the core, within the command cell of Luna. Only four Zenate scientists went in there. They reported afterwards that they interfaced the pods to the core entity, or core drive. It is difficult to speak about an entity, as it is at the same time the highest advanced technology known to existence. So, now, what will happen is that the crew’s souls will reintegrate the pods and they will fully wake up. This will be a first for us to see. Then, the core consciousness will activate and release knowledge. In what ways, we do not know yet for sure. I will keep you informed on the developments of this operation.
High Commander Thor Han Eredyon, reporting for the Galactic federation of Worlds.
February 19 2024
Some major changes have occurred on Luna. Our Earth Alliance teams have accessed the central core zone of the planetoid and found access to the drive mechanism of this artificial satellite. The central sphere, that is mechanical and entirely made of metals of high vibratory structure, is entirely sealed. The only way to access the inside and the drive mechanism is by teleportation. Until now, we didn’t have the codes to engage. A delegation of Koldassii from Naara visited recently and gave us the access codes. The Koldassii are the only people knowing about the creators of this mechanism and about this particular technology, that they also shared with the Zenate, who are accustomed to the making of this type of planetoid vessels.
A team of Zenate were present with the Koldassii at the opening of the lunar core module, that occurred two Earth weeks ago. I was there too, with High Commander Kiara, internal diplomatic liaison for the GFW. What was found was impressive. Inside of the core module, was a completely different technology than anything I had ever seen before. It is an etheric engine that looks like a complex geometrical construct, made of circles imbricated one into another, and able to convolute in different directions, as I was explained. Although it was still. It looks similar to the ancient astrolabes you have on Earth, but in a translucent way. It is very beautiful. You could feel it had a consciousness, and it was sleeping. Even though, you could feel it. You could feel its presence. Its beautiful, entrancing presence that touches you right to the core of your soul. You could also feel that it leaves not in this linear time, but in a different time structure. A time that seems to us slower but for her, our linear time is felt as much shorter. She was just sleeping. Luna has a soul, it truly has, and I didn’t know this, nobody in the Federation knew this, until we actually saw it for ourselves, and experienced it. High Commander Kiara was crying with emotion. The Zenate bowed their heads in sign of salutation and respect, a hand on their chest. So we did like them.
She was sleeping… but through her dream, she could sense us, and read our hearts. She was warm. You remember two years ago, when we retrieved the pods from the inside of Luna. We had found them near the core module. These were the crew in stasis. The crew of this ship: Luna. At the time, if you remember, the Zenate were the best equipped to take care of them, so we handed the pods to them. Now we have found the ship command module. It was heating up in our presence. One of the Koldassii delegation told the Zenate that it was time to bring back the pods of the crew, and place them in the Luna command module. Oh they are not going to move the planetoid; it would cause great harm to Earth. No, they will only activate Her core memory, that a knowledge is unlocked. The Koldassii told us that this knowledge has nothing to do with technology, but with consciousness and soul. That is how, they said, the ancients powered their vessels across the universes and dimensions. So I will tell you more when the Zenate bring the pods back and they are placed inside of the core command of Luna.
Besides that, the production of medical technologies and training of Earth scientists and medical technicians continues, as well as the production of antigravity planetary vehicles such as cars and shuttles. I wished you could see what I saw in the heart of the Moon.
High Commander Thor Han Eredyon, reporting for the GFW.