Who Are The Tengri?
July 23 2022

July 23 2022
~by Elena Danaan~
In the last week of July 2022, NASA and the science community have been bringing attention odn potential finds of exolife in the Trappist-1 system.
--- https://youtu.be/u2kskBn0cFs
As I mentioned it in my march 11 2022 video: https://youtu.be/u2kskBn0cFs the Trappist-1system, located in the Aquarius constellation, will be the Step-1 in our contact experience, bringing to Earth civilians the awareness of exolife.
Read here my article "First Contact" from March 6, 2022: https://www.elenadanaan.org/first-contact
As documented in my 2020 book "A Gift From The Stars", Trappist-1's seven planets system hosts the Tengri advanced civilization, part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds:
​"Tengri-Tengri come from the second planet of the star system you name Trappist 1 (galactic sector 56, star system F-1342), and they name their beautiful world: Tengri. Their sun is a small red star, 39.6 light years away from Terra. It is a system of seven planets, where life developed on most of them, Tengri being home for a dazzling tropical environment. Despite the beauty of their world, the Tengri are accustomed to live in semiunderground cities and their population is of about 12 million individuals. Tengri-Tengri are a quiet and peaceful people and member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They have two genders. They discovered Terra ten thousand (T) years ago and if they did it by the past, they are not performing abductions anymore. Their huge discoidal ships are fit for long-distance travels."
(A Gift From The Stars – 2020)
Interestingly, in my May 17 2022 contact experience, when I was taken onboard a ship to be informed about an amendment to the Prime Directive, I could witness that a Tengri representative is the actual herald for the GFW's High Council. Has this fact influenced the Earth Alliance and our off-world allied organizations to chose the Tengri civilization as first evidence of extraterrestrial life?
Tengri Herald at the GFW HC Trappist-1 system
Copyright of the drawings used in this article: Elena Danaan